Buds and Bangs

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Arya and Annabeth

"Annabeth" Arya called after the Gryffindor she had met in detention a week prior. Annabeth had just walked into The Three Broomsticks with a group of friends, where Arya had been waiting, hoping she would turn up

Annabeth spun on her heels and made her excuses to her friends and walked over to Arya.

"Umm Hi, ummm Archie?" Annabeth questioned as she reached her.

"It's Arya" Arya corrected for once in her life. 

"Whatever, what do you want?" Annabeth asked.

"To be friends" Arya stated clearly.

"Why would I wanna be friends with you? You made a voodoo doll of one of my friends!" 

"Because, I can help you get back at Cadwyn, we can take her down together" 

Arya did want to get back at Cadwyn and she was lonely and friendless but this wasn't her main motive to befriend Annabeth. 

A few days prior, George Weasley, knocked into her in the hallway as he passed her. He looked back at her and apologised. Ever since then Arya was obsessively in love with him. Arya knew that Annabeth was friends with Ginny and in turn knew the Weasley twins quite well, having a crush on the other herself. Therefore, saw being friends with Annabeth the perfect way to get closer to George. She wanted him and this time she would get the boy.

Annabeth was conflicted over Arya's proposal. Yes, Arya was a loner weirdo who practised dark magic on those who she felt had wronged her but she did want to get back at Cadwyn. And how perfect, Arya had real motivation and she clearly knew how to get revenge on someone. After Annabeth and Ginny's attempt to embarass Cadwyn by printing her nudes had failed, she realised none of them really had the skill to truly hurt Cadwyn in the way that she had hurt them. Arya however, would act as a perfect secret weapon. But why did she want to be friends anyway? Probably desperate because she doesn't have any.  

"Ok" Annabeth said, "and you have ideas right? About what to do to Cadwyn?" 

Arya nodded, an evil grin planted on her face. 

"Alright then, deal, let's do this" Annabeth agreed.

"Follow me" she continued, leading Arya to the table where her roommates waited for her.

"Hi guys, this is Artemis" Annabeth introduced. 

"Arya" Arya corrected. 

"Right, sorry, Arya, is it cool if she sits with us?" She asked, urging Arya to sit. 

"Isn't she the girl who has a Harry Potter voodoo doll?" Ginny questioned. 

"That was such a nasty rumour, all of her friends ditched her after hearing all of those lies" Annabeth said, attempting to get her friends to sympathise. 

"Aww, that's so sad" Celeste said, "you must be so lonely, of course you can join us" 

It worked. Arya sat down and talked with the girls. Her eyes wandering every now and then to the twins who were sat across the pub, she noticed Annabeth was doing the same. 

Cadwyn and Rhia

"Cormac!" Cadwyn called out, wandering the hallways. 

She hasn't been able to find him all morning and she had worn her thigh highs for him, wanting to turn him on and have some fun. She walked past the Divination class and stopped in her tracks as she could her something unusual coming from inside. 

"Yes! Yes! Oh God! CORMAC YES!" A girl screamed. 

Cadwyn was furious, she immediatley shoved the door open and clasped her hands to her mouth as she saw Cormac, naked on the Divination floor, hovering over none over than Rhia Notta, the girl from her detention the other week.

"What the fuck?!" Cadwyn screamed. 

Rhia screamed Cormac's name as they finished and then pushed him off of her, luckily fully covered as she'd only removed necessary clothing. 

"Oh, Cadwyn, how embarassing" Rhia said, she was clearly not sorry, she had hoped Cadwyn would walk in on them, that's the only reason she did it. Cormac was pathetic compared to her precious Draco but she had to do what she had to do to get back at Cadwyn.

"Cormac! Why the fuck did you sleep with that slimey Slytherin slut?" Cadwyn yelled. 

Cormac walked up to her, still fully naked. 

"I'm sorry babe, she offered as I'm not exactly gonna turn sex down, I'm a man, I have needs" He said.

"I wore my thigh high boots for you" Cadwyn pouted. 

"I know babe, and I can't wait to rip them off you" He moaned, snaking his arms around Cadwyn's waist. 

"No!" Cadwyn screamed, pushing him off "No make up sex this time, not only did you cheat on me but you cheated on me with one of my enemies" 

"Woah! She's your enemy, no way" Cormac said, chill but surprised. 

"Yes! and the only reason she had sex with you was to get back at me!" Cadwyn announced.

"Nah, I'm hot as shit, she saw a snack like me and just had to have a bite" Cormac winked.

"She has a boyfriend!" Cadwyn shouted.

"Exactly, not even her having a boyfriend could keep her away, I'm that sexy" 

"Actually I did just sleep with you to piss off Cadwyn, and task complete, seems like she's pretty pissed off" Rhia admitted, getting ready to leave.

"Also you are awful at sex, just plain bad" Rhia continued and Cormac gasped, clearly very hurt by this accusation. 

"You better watch out bitch, I was going to leave you alone but now it's on" Cadwyn threatened. 

"Ohh I'm so scared" Rhia scoffed sarcasticly, leaving and shutting the door behind her. 

"I can't believe you did that" Cadwyn said to Cormac.

"Come on babe, I'll get us another set of Valentino jackets" He said, kissing her neck.

"Oh ok then, you're forgiven" Cadwyn said and then started furiously making out with Cormac.

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