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"What have you come to the hospital wing for, Rhia?" Madam Pomfrey asked as Rhia stomped into the room. 

"impregnantandineedtogetridofthebaby" Rhia said, extremely quickly. 

"What?" Pomfrey asked.

"I'm pregnant and I need to get rid of this stupid baby" Rhia said through gritted teeth.

"PREGNANT!" Pomfrey exclaimed. 

"Keep your voice down!" Rhia warned.

"Who's the father?" 

"Cormac McLaggen" Rhia mumbled, ashamed.

"CORMAC MCLAGGEN!" Pomfrey exclaimed again. 

"Yo, Pomf, baby, you called my name" Cormac appeared out of nowhere.

"This young lady says she pregnant with your baby!" Pomfrey stated.

"Oh yeah, we banged a couple times" Cormac said casually "she loved it"

"Worst days of my life" Rhia stated. "JUST GET RID OF THE BABY" 

"Fine" Madam Pomfrey said, clearing her throat. 

"Fetus Deletus" Pomfrey said, casting a spell at Rhia. "There you go, baby free" 

"Thank God!" Rhia said, turning to walk away.

"Not so fast Rhia, I haven't given you your prescription" Madam Pomfrey said, scribbling something down and handing Rhia the paper. 

"This just says 'frog choir'" Rhia stated, reading the prescription.]

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore demands that all students who have to get a wizard abortion must join frog choir to rid themselves of sin" Pomfrey stated.

"What the fuck!" Rhia exclaimed.


Arya was sad when Colin ran away and she couldn't boss him around anymore. She was also sad that Adrian had died in a scuba diving accident when her family went on holiday without her.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of young Adrian Jennifer Aniston Webb. Last week young Adrian arrived at Sandy Sun Bun Beach not knowing it would be the last day of his life. He dived into the sea, looking dashing in his scuba gear, only to be eaten by a shark seconds later. The shark then of course spat him out, complaining of him being to salty, but then he was stabbed by a sword fish so, there you go, anyways he will be dearly missed, even if he was a dirty filthy squib" The words of the wizard funeral director spun around in Arya's head. 

She couldn't believe her luck, she'd lost her brother who was also the love of her life. What was she gonna do now. Dramatic sigh. 

Arya wandered the hallways glumly, she actually took time to read all of the posters and flyers on the classroom doors. She saw advertisements for really lame clubs like wizard chess, urgh gross and slugs and bugs club, what the fucking fuck is that about? 

Her eyes landed on Proffessor Flitwick's door, she read the poster.

'Yo yo yo wizard peepsicles! Wanna be hella cool?'

Yes, Arya thought, she did want to be hella cool.

'Wanna be the next Weird Sisters?'

Duh! Arya thought.

'Well why not join the Frog Choir? We provide the frogs, you provide the tunes, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7' 

Hmmmm, frog choir, Arya thought. Well, she had nothing else to do. 


"So what do you do with your spare time at Hogwarts, Cadwyn? What do you do to unwind?" Madam Hooch asked in Cadwyn's next counselling session.

"I stare into the abyss" Cadwyn replied blandly. 

"ummm....interesting" Madam Hooch said, writing down some notes, "have you always done that or-?"

"No, I used to terrorize people for fun, doesn't bring the same joy it used to and when I wasn't doing that I'd be like making out with Cormac, but obviously I don't allow his lizard tongue anywhere near me anymore." Cadwyn winced at the thought of kissing Cormac again, ew.

"Well, it's good that you've stopped terrorizing people for no reason, but maybe you need a hobby" Madam Hooch advised.

"I like shopping, but at all muggle shops in Hogsmeade are so fucking lame, Gladrags more like I'm glad I'm not wearing those rags. Why don't they have like a Gucci or a Louis Vuitton, I only wear designer, but even if I didn't you wouldn't catch me dead in those ugly wizard clothes" Cadwyn ranted and started gagging as she thought about wearing common wizard clothes.

"Well, let's think of something about joining a club? There's a chocolate frog card collecting club" Madam Hooch suggested.

"God! That sounds dull!" Cadwyn moaned.

"Hmm, let me think, ooh, I know, you have those Britney fantasies, don't you? Oh this is perfect, you can work through these fantasies with a new hobby" Hooch said excitedly.

"You mean, this school has a Britney Spears club, where students can do full Britney routines in Britney-esque outfits" Cadwyn gleamed. 

"Not exactly, but Professor Flitwick runs a choir, I'll sign you up" Madam Hooch said, writing down notes again. 

"A choir...I guess I can get on board with that" Cadwyn nodded. 


Annabeth was lonely now that Ginny wouldn't talk to her. She wished Fred was in her year so they could hang out, but he had left school last year. Dobby wouldn't hang out with her anymore because he was banging Winky now. 

Harry approached her as she entered to common room. 

"Ah, Annakabeth I've been looking for you" Harry said.

"What for?" Annabeth asked, happy Harry wanted to talk to her.

"You're off the quidditch team!" Harry stated.

"What? Why?" Annabeth gasped. 

"Well, like I said after tryouts, you are proper shit at quidditch and I only put you on the team to impress Ginny and she doesn't like you anymore so you're useless to me now so, you're off the team" 

"I'm not shit at quidditch!" Annabeth defended.

"Yeah, you are, me and Hagrid were making fun of the way you throw quaffles the other day" Harry laughed.

"But I've been getting up at 4am every single day to practise for hours!" Annabeth complained.

"Yeah, and even with all that practise you're still awful, wow you must be like next level shit, anyway I gotta go and get Slughorn to reveal his real memory to be, bye" Harry wandered off.

"Fine! I don't need your stupid club I'll join better club!" Annabeth shouted, she turned to the notice board and grabbed the first flyer off, "I'll join the...the...the...the frog choir!" 

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