Ginge Cringe

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Arya decided to make her move on Harry. He sat in the library, actually doing some homework for once in his life and Arya approached him. 

She stood behind his chair for 10 minutes, unsure of what to say, he didn't notice her at all until he turned when some random hufflepuff scream 'Harry bro! Look behind you!' 

When Harry turned he jumped, the sight of Arya scaring him out of his whitts.

"I'm not giving you back the voodoo doll, Anteater!" Harry said, taking his wand out of his pocket and pointing it towards her. 

"I don't want it back" Arya said calmly, smiling as sweetly as she could.

"I'm being serious, Amaradillo! I'm not telling you that it's hidden in my Quidditch locker - DAMMIT!" Harry cursed as he realized he'd revealed the location of the voodoo doll.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore Harry, we not in that way anyway..." Arya stated, sitting next to Harry. 

"Hey! What are you doing!" Harry said alarmingly, looking at her.

"Just sitting...look I promise I won't hurt you, if you let me sit here with you...I could even finish your homework for you?" Arya offered. 

"Well, I definitely do not want to do it, so I guess you can stay, but I'm keeping my eye on you, Alpaca" Harry warned, tossing his giant pile of homework to Arya. 


"Fred! I've missed you so much!" Annabeth exclaimed as she ran into the hospital wing where Ron was laying unconscious after being poisoned. 

"I've missed you too Anna Banana!" Fred cried, as she jumped on him, her legs wrapped around his waist, intensely snogging him. 

"Guys, um, maybe don't make out on top of Ron..." George said awkwardly as Fred nearly threw Annabeth onto the hospital bed. 

"Oh sorry" Annabeth said, standing up before snogging Fred's face off again. 

"Aren't you worried about Ron, Fred?" George asked.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" Fred said, between kisses. 

"Fred! Annabeth! Ron has been POISONED! You're being very disrespectful" Hermione weeped, gripping onto Ron's hand. 

"Yeah seriously guys, get a room" Harry stated. 

"Ok then" Annabeth said, looking around the hospital wing. 

"Fred, this way" she said, pulling Fred onto an unoccupied bed, shutting the curtains quickly.

George gagged as the sounds of Fred and Annabeth moaning loudly filled the room. 

"Oh God! Fred! YES! FRED!" Annabeth screamed.

"Madam Pomfrey! I think I'm going to need a bucket!" George confessed. 


Rhia opened the letter she had received and to her surprise it wasn't her Gringotts Bank statement. 

"Yo yo Rhi-dawg! 

Snake boi is doing a pure shite job of taking down the Big D, he has failed 8 times, it's proper sad to watch. So, it would be sweet if you'd give him a hand, as he's making a real mess of the job. Oh but, I don't want him to feel bad, so don't tell him that I ordered you to help. 

Ok, that's all,

V-Diddy Out!"

After reading the letter, Rhia approached Draco, hiding the letter behind her back.

"'s it going...with the whole murdering thing?" Rhia asked.

Draco immediatley burst into tears.

"I am so bad at murder! I tried to poison Dumby but Ron, that stupid ginger slut, drank it instead!" Draco said through tears. 

"Hey, it's ok Draco, you know what, I'll help you, we'll kill him together" Rhia comforted.

"No, he said, it has to be me!" Draco cried, Rhia knew that Voldy didn't care if it was him that did it anymore, as long as the old coot died. 

"Well, I can help you with the admin of the murder then..." Rhia suggested, knowing that she was actually about to avada ke-kill Dumbledore herself.

"I'd really appreciate that" Draco said, letting his head fall onto Rhia's shoulder as he weeped, Rhia holding her man-child tightly.


"Hairy Pothead!" Cadwyn approached Harry as he came back into the common room after visiting Ron in the hospital wing.

"What?!" Harry asked. 

"My stunning, beautiful, gorgeous sex god boyfriend, has something to say to you" Cadwyn stated, folding her arms. 

"Hazzzzzaa! Saw that pathetic lump Weasel was taken to the hospital wing, so that must mean the keepers spot is open again, and I am just the athlete to do it, since I was the absolute best at the try-outs and you only gave Rod a place on the team because you suck ginger dick!" Cormac announced.

"Yeah, that was totally biased!" Cadwyn added. 

"Uh yes, I guess you are the only option, so you can play" Harry muttered and ran away from them as quickly as he could.

"He's such an idiot for not casting you in the role of keeper in the first place!" Cadwyn commented.

"True! Now let's have a celebratory bang and then rhinestone my name onto my uniform" Cormac said, excitedly. 

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