Baguette About It

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After the frog choir had disbanded a few of Rhia was quite excited to get back to being a stone cold bad ass death eater. She had forgotten all about aborting Cormac's baby and was back to her real life's mission. For Voldemort to think that she is cool. 

That morning at breakfast she received an owl, she didn't bother opening it because she figured it would just be a Gringott's bank statement or coupons for free butterbeer. She strutted back to the common room alone and heard laughter as she walked through the door. 

"Can you believe Rhia actually joined frog choir? And sang with 2 loser Gryffindors and that nerdy Ravenclaw, she's such an embarassment!" Pansy mocked as she stood and pranced in front of all the Slytherin boys. 

"Shut up, Pansy, you ugly fucker!" Rhia insulted as she walked further into the room.

"Ooh, or what?" Pansy asked, chuckling. 

"Or I'll kill you!" Rhia threatened,

"Well, that's hardly frightening coming from a girl in a Spice Girls tribute band" Pansy scoffed.

"I was SCARY Spice! Does that mean nothing to you?!" Rhia defended, pulling out her wand.

"Whatever, I'm sure Draco doesn't want to date a loser like you now" Pansy taunted, turning away to flirt with the snake boys. 

"Stop right now! Thank you very much, Miss Skanky Pansy! Shall I tell you what I want? What I really really want is to spice up your life and punch you in the face!" Rhia shouted.

Before Pansy could respond she was met with Rhia's fist, her punch was so strong Pansy was knocked to the floor, blood streaming from her nose.

"Look at this! Look at this! Goyle! Am I bleeding? I thought I felt a bit of...yes I am" Pansy quizzed Goyle. "Urgh, you'll pay for this Rhia, wait until Draco sees, he won't want such a violent girlfriend" 

"Oh hell yes I do want a violent girlfriend" Draco said as he walked through the door, "was that you babe? Good job!" 

Draco praised as he kissed Rhia on the cheek.


Annabeth sat her dorm crying. Now the frog choir was finished she had no one, even Dobby had stopped hanging out with her because he said it cramped his style, also he was banging Winky now. 

She was mid dramatic sob when the door to her dorm creeped open. 

"Annabeth, uh um, we can kind of all her you crying from the common room and we're trying to have a party so can you cut it out, it's bumming everyone out!" Ginny stated as she came into view. 

"Sorry" Annabeth mumbled and then she pointed her wand at her self "silenicio" 

"Are you not coming to the party?" Ginny asked awkwardly. 

"No, obviously not! They'll just laugh at me! They may have forgotten about your diaries but they haven't forgotten mine!" Annabeth huffed.

"To be honest I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet" Ginny commented. 

"Figured what out?" Annabeth quizzed.

"Isn't it obvious? I obliviated everyone! That's why no one's talking about all the stuff in my diary anymore" Ginny informed, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Damn, that's real smart, I should've done that! Hold on, you didn't obliviate me!" Annabeth realised. 

"No, because you're a bffl Ann, I'm super sorry about turning on you, if I'm being honest, I was jealous, I've always had the hots for Dobby and seeing you dancing all sexy with him was hard" Ginny admitted.

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