Extracurricular Activities

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The first week of school was tough for Arya, everyone whispered behind her back but no one would talk to her, well except when yelling abuse at her. Calling her a murderer or a psycho or an absolute fucking twat, according to Dean Thomas, who was even more agitated and had now stopped showering or taking baths, he now simply used a multi-purpose wipe, twice a day. 

She sat at the back of her potions class, at one point Annabeth threw a piece of parchment at her and as Arya opened it she saw a picture of her pooping herself. She sighed. Slughorn dismissed the class and she began to pack up her things, as quickly as she could. 

"Miss Webb, can I speak to you?" Slughorn asked, approaching her desk. 

"Sure" Arya sighed, she had nothing better to do. She was now banned from the library all together, so she wood just be heading up to her dorm and writing her 34th letter to Adrian that day.

"Look, I know you stormed out of my club on the train, but I would still like for you to be part of the club" Slughorn stated. 

"I'm not attending your club if the other members are just going to insult me all night" Arya snapped. 

"I know, it's not ideal, I don't see why they are so concerned that you murdered that Rosta kid, he was a complete nobody, your grandfather was an icon, a diva, dare I say, they should be praising you for your family's accomplishments, who cares if you forced some loser to eat glass, he was never going to equate to anything, you did him a favour really" Slughorn announced. 

"I wish my classmates had the same views as you Sluggy" Arya sighed. 

"Maybe they will, if you join my club again, I will stick up for you and sing your praises, I could change their minds" Slughorn suggested.

"Well, I don't have anything to lose" Arya said, agreeing to come to the next meeting. 


"I really hope you make the team!" Ginny said, as her and Annabeth approached the quidditch pitch. 

"I know, I've been practicing all summer, well, when I could, I mean it's not easy in a muggle house, without a broom, or any of the balls or hoops" Annabeth stated. 

"I just want you to be on the team with me!" Ginny replied, "You've worked so hard, and I can't wait to see your game"

"Alright Sluts" They were interrupted by Harry shouting at the crowd of try-outs. "Time to show me what you've got!"

Annabeth tried out to be a beater. She ended up not batting any of the balls in the right direction and overall just gave a really bad performance. 

"What the fuck was that? Pathetic" Harry yelled, shaking his head.

"I don't think I've made the team" Annabeth confessed as she met Ginny again.

"Aww don't say that, you might have done..." Ginny sympathised. 

"The balls were different from at home, they weren't like the tennis balls I used at home" Annabeth whined. 

At that moment Harry came over. 

"Hey Ginny, looking super sexy today" Harry winked. "Can I speak to Annabeth a sec?" He asked. 

"Sure" Ginny said and she walked away.

"You are shit at quidditch Annabeth, but I fancy Ginny, she is like super mega foxy awesome hot, with flames and all, and you're her best friend so if I put you on the team she'll be all like 'oh Harry, you are the best for giving Annabeth a chance', so you're on the team. But I don't want you to think it's because you're good because you're not, you're awful. So, you are gonna train every single day for 4 hours every morning, you start at 5am, be here!" Harry said, before leaving her alone.

"I'm on the team!" Annabeth exclaimed. 


"So I'm gonna curse a necklace and send it so Dumbedore" Draco said, revealing his plan to Rhia.

"That's so long winded and dumb, just shoot a simple avada kedavra and be done with it" Rhia  replied.

"You didn't do that with Cadwyn" Draco defended.

"Yeah and look where that got me, dismissed, rejected, publicly humiliated, why it's more than I can bear" Rhia responded, taking a swig of firewhiskey, she'd been drinking a lot since finding out Draco had been chosen by Voldemort and not her.

"Look, I'll try it my way and if needs be I'll do it your way" Draco said, getting slightly annoyed at Rhia's criticism. 

"I'm just warning you" Rhia said, taking another swig. 

"Will you just stop! It's obvious your jealous, you're being a real debbie downer!" Draco shouted. 

"Take it back!" Rhia yelled, "TAKE IT BACK!" 

"It's true, I love you but God you're being a sour grape at the moment" Draco replied.

"Fine. No Rhia loving for you" Rhia stated.

"What?" Draco gasped. 

"No Rhia love, and just to torture you further, Rhia lifted the blanket that covered her and flashed Draco a look at what she was wearing, fishnet tights, his biggest turn on. 

"I take it back! I take it back"  Draco said frantically.]

"It's too late, you have been a naughty boy Draco, so you need to be punished!" Rhia stated, she then got up and walked to her door as her watched her, she looked back at him and winked. 


"What do you want?" Cadwyn asked as she entered Dumbledore's office and strutted up to his desk.

"Sit down, Miss Jones" He replied and she obliged. 

"Well?" Cadwyn prompted. 

"I've heard some rumours about you" Dumbledore stated, "ones that you killed Annabeth Sparkes' cat, locked Rhia Notta in a cupboard with a blast-ended skrewt and many others" 

Cadwyn remained silent, keeping her face void of any emotion.

"So I admittedly have been trying to find evidence and I've been stealing your memories" He confessed.

"That's a little rude, those are my memories!" Cadwyn said, folding her arms. 

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, your memories aren't, how do I put this...normal" He said.

"Are you memory-shaming me?" Cadwyn accused. 

"No, no, I'm just curious, and a little concerned, all of your memories seem to have been replaced with...a Britney Spears fantasy, complete with you performing a Britney song, even though she hasn't yet started her career as it's 1996" Dumbledore stated.

"Yeah, I like to erase all of my memories and replace them with a Britney fantasy, I replaced the one of finding out my dad was dead with 'Circus' what a bop" Cadwyn admitted.

"It's quite an unusual coping mechanism, and quite unhealthy really, so I've set up for you to meet with our Hogwarts guidance counsellor" 

"We have a guidance counsellor?" Cadwyn asked.

"Yeah, it's Madam Hooch, anyways, you have a meeting with her every Tuesday and Thursday evening" Dumbledore announced. 

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