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"They should be here any second" Draco cheered excitedly and he and Rhia waited by the vanishing cabinet.

"I can't wait to see them, it's a shame older volders won't be here though" Rhia sighed.

At that moment they heard a thump and all the scariest death eaters showed up in the gaff.

"Bellatrix" Rhia greeted, kissing her on both cheeks MWAH MWAH.

"Oooh Greyback have you been working out??" Rhia asked, feeling his muscles, which she knew would make Draco extremely jealous. 

"Ok girls and less superior humans! Let's do this!" Rhia shouted as the last death eater came out. 

The made their way to the astronomy tower and saw Dumbledore standing their, looking calmly at the stars.

"Hey Dumbledore!" Rhia yelled and he turned around.

"Oh hi Rhia, Draco, ooh, and some death eaters, what a surprise! NOT! Ahaha, I know everything!" Dumbledore stated, chuckling.

Draco raised his wand, he knew the spell he had to cast, he pointed it at Dumbledore.

"So, you used the vanishing cabinet then?" Dumbledore asked casually.

"How did you know that?" Rhia questioned.

"Girl, I know all the shit that goes on here" Dumbledore replied.

"Just do it Draco" Bellatrix whispered.

Draco stood there, shaking like a pathetic lamb, stuttering.

"Av-a-av-a-ava-ava" He stuttered.

"Oh my god Draco, just get on with it" Rhia rolled her eyes.

Snape walked in and stepped in front of Draco.

"What the fuck are you doing here Snaps?" Rhia asked, annoyed that he was stealing the moment.

"Severus, please" Dumbledore said.

"Get out of the way! You pussies! I'll do it!" Rhia lifted her wand.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Rhia cast and dumbledore straight up died.

"I DID IT! Voldemort will be so proud!" Rhia cheered.

Although Draco was bitter that he wasn't the one to commit murder he did find Rhia particularly attractive when she was killing people.


"CORMAC!" Cadwyn shouted as she approached her boyfriend. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" 

He was half naked on top of Lavender Brown.

"Relax Caddy, Lav Lav just wanted a rebound from that ginger twat Ron, who stole MY PLACE on the quidditch team" Cormac stated.

"EWW!!! She's been with a ginger! She probably has Gingivitis!" Cadwyn squealed.

"That's it! We're though Cormac! I can deal with us constantly cheating on each other but how I am ever supposed to let you near me again, knowing you've been with someone who has been with a ginger!" Cadwyn stated.

"Babe, it's just a hair colour!" Cormac defended.


At that moment something fell from the sky.

"What was that?" Lavender asked.

Cormac walked over to what fell.

"Ah shit, it's Dumbledore, he'd dead!" Cormac stated.

"Thank God, he was such an old raggedy hag anyway!" Cadwyn stated before turning and walking away. 


"It's so upsetting that he's gone, what will happen to Hogwarts now?" Ginny sobbed quietly as she stood with Annabeth in the great hall for the funeral. 

"yeah yeah, super duper sad...so is Fred coming to the funeral or...?" Annabeth asked. 

"Yes, he's over there!" Ginny stated, pointing towards the rest of the Weasley clan.

Ginny ran over and sobbed into her mothers arms whilst Annabeth approached Fred.

"Hey hot stuff" Fred winked at Annabeth. "Looking hot as fuck in your funeral dress"

"Thanks, Freddie, I always like to show my cleavage as a sign of respect" Annabeth replied. 

"Are you ok? Deatheaters in the castle, that's pretty scary" Fred asked, holding her hands.

"Yeah, I did wake up with this like massive werewolf bite on my neck but it's probably nothing" Annabeth said, touching the large bite on her neck.

"I did think that it looked a bit bigger than one of Dobby's hickeys" Fred admitted.

"I think I just bit my own neck in my sleep" Annabeth admitted.

"I think that's physically impossible, also that bite has a full set of teeth" Fred acknowledged. 

"Oh yeah! If I bit myself there would be less teeth because Cadwyn removed two of them in my sleep once!" Annabeth gasped.

"Oh no, what if I am a werewolf now?" Annabeth asked.

"Well at least you're a hot werewolf" Fred comforted, kissing her forehead.


Arya was glad tfhat Dumbledore died because he had taken away her most favourite possession and she wanted it back! 

She snuck into his office and found her Voodoo doll of Harry sitting around a tea party table in a pretty pink dress with a bow in it's hair, accompanied by Barbie, Polly Pocket and Cloe, Sasha, Jade and Yasmin from Bratz. He was rolling in babes. And Ken, ken was there too. 

Arya picked up the doll, deciding to keep it in the dress and bow as they did look good on him. 

Just at that moment the door opened.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" McGonnagal said as she came in the room.

"Dumbledore didn't leave that to you in his will" she stated, examining a piece of paper.

"I wanted it so I could make Harry do some cool dance moves but it looks like it's going to Snape!" McGonnagal announced to all of the Hogwarts staff who had now also entered the room.

"But I wanted it to add to my Harry Potter shrine!" Slughorn complained. All of the other staff were extremely disappointed to not receive the doll as well. 

"Too bad, Sluggy. I'm going to use the doll to do little puppet shows in my room. alone." Snape replied, snatching the doll from Arya.

Arya was upset that she wouldn't get her doll back, however, could see a business opportunity before her. Seems like she could make a lot of cash if she sold Harry Potter dolls.

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