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hey so what you are currently reading right now is a "personal" journal of a teenage asian girl who just happens to be lost in lesbian- i mean love (hah hope you caught that scott pilgrim reference if you didn't pretend you never read it) so i do not blame you if you turn away...



so to start off, i'm in the eigth grade of whitney high (W00T WILDCATS) which is a college prepartory high school so, i get stressed :D but stress doesn't fill up unless i think about it, so i'm perfectly fine since i don't think at all, haha

i also seem to have mixed feelings for this particular guy (but to protect the id of this poor guy, let's call him Nk why not) i mean, his looks are pretty decent, and he gives really good hugs, and FCK. i swear i'm not like this anywhere anytime. to be honest, i don't even know how i started liking him but THIS ISN'T WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR, YOU FEEL?

ahh but i also have my friends, and i'd probably wander aimlessly to the ends of the earth had it not been with their guidance. i am grateful that i can talk to them, and things do not get awkward and i feel loads better after talkings things over with them, and ahh well, they're just awesome.

and then we have my dog noble. just noble. he gives hugs AND listens to me. he's squishy. and fluffy. no questions asked.

that's pretty much it for this section, from now on, i solemnly swear that this book is up to no good, and if you haven't heard enough about me (which i highly doubt bc that's how the wheels of my life roll) the tornado coming up ahead from this book should give you all you need ;)

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