a letter to myself in the future

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i just wanted to have a little something for myself when i'm older, provided that i still use this account hehe.

To my older self:

Umm, well, hi ^__^.

I hope that you're doing well with everything. Are you still in touch with all of your friends? Are you hopefully hotter or prettier than me? It's okay if you aren't though heh. I wasn't counting on it.

Just remember that your friends are there for you no matter what, okay? I understand if you feel alone sometimes, it happens to me too, and it's a-ok (:

Find some time to relax. Things can get hectic with work or school. Just make a bath, drink tea, or cuddle Noble. He might not be here anymore, huh? That's okay too, I bet he was happy being part of your family. (: He certainly is a happy dog, isn't he? Meditate if you can, I can't keep myself still right now so good luck.

Did you find your life path yet? I still don't know what I want to do, but maybe you did. Are you in Google or something like that liked I hoped? It's okay also if you aren't, whatever makes you happy is more than okay with me (: Graduating from Whitney must have been kinda sad, huh?

Don't worry, stay in as much contact as you can and make more friends while you're at it. It won't do any good if you're constantly alone, you should know.

Don't forget to help others, kay? You're not the only one with problems. I know it might be difficult, but I promise you that help will not hurt. And, you can learn from others too, so helping will become a skill and first instinct (:

Do you still like him? I know I do. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I know you'll be okay too, surely I've toughened you up enough to get used to heartbreak. Stay strong, or all my hard work will go to waste haha. It's okay if you don't like him anymore or move on because that's part of life, ain't it? If you actually got together with him, OMIGOSH TELL ME EVERYTHING, (is he cuter?) I'm rooting for ya :D . If you find another guy, just don't tell me, it might be too much hehe. But whatever you do, I will support you. It's only necessary.

Don't worry if you didn't turn out what I thought you would be, because things change with time. If it seems like end of the world now, do not worry, because I'm working in the past right now so you can be happy okay? That's all I ever want you to be. Hopefully, you'll be the happiest person ever, it'll make me feel worth living if that's what happens.

Okay then, that's all. Don't become a mean jerk, okay? Don't lose who you are, I literally spent a lifetime building you. But I'm proud of what I built, so keep being yourself! I'll be doing my own things in the past, kay?

Well this is farewell for now! Good luck with the rest of your life, don't waste it!


Elaina ^__^

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