got a crap ton of problems without ya

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everyone has problems.

not everyone can solve their problems by themselves.

but you know that feeling when everyone around you is just really sad and you want to help and just talk to them, but

nothing really seems to work?!?!

like i'm trying my best to cheer you up, but i just might not be cheery at the moment myself, or maybe, i'm not cheery in the first place ;__;

but to me it's a duty as a friend to make sure that i can do whatever i can to make someone feel better, you know? i mean, i wouldn't like it either if i was so down, people wouldn't even bother to come and help.

it's like someone's stuck in a hole and there's a ladder RIGHT next to you. but maybe you're stuck in a hole too and we're all just trying to dig ourselves out in order to give ourselves the ladder.

or maybe, you have a ladder, but it's too short, and the other person can hardly reach it.

or in other cases, we are out of the hole and are giving everything we have to pass the ladder down to someone else but when he is out of his hole, and when we're in ours, he burns the fucking ladder.

and roasts marshmallows right in front of our faces. with the ladder.

i'm just saying that trying to help someone can be difficult, especially if nothing you do seems to work.

i was told once by a guy to stop helping him bc i asked my friends for advice on what to say, and he found out.

i didn't know what i was thinking when i did that but i know that it didn't help at all.

but it's something that i feel like i need to do, you know? it feels good knowing that your friends are happy.

even when you yourself aren't.

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