rice, tea, spam musubi

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ughh cravings are the worst. i mean, you first of all are hungry, but you also are picky of what you wanna eat. and so you just sit there and eat other foods that just won't satisfy.

stomach, why can't you just be goddamn grateful that there's food and stop thinking about chocolate?!?

i can't cook that well, rice, tea, and spam masubi are pretty much the only things i'm good at.

but then again, i left the stove on once for about 30 minutes and there was smoke in the kitchen when i noticed the smell of burning metal.

my parents weren't there at the time, so i'm still safe (;

"When you're sad, you're hungry. And when you're hungry, you're sad."

heh i remembered this quote from the movie version of animal crossing (made me cry tears but i was about 10)


ahh well food makes me happy especially comfort food and chinese food (dim sum city bby)

traveling. i wanna travel around the world with my friends. culture is awesome, bruh.

sayonara nakama.

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