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I woke up to someone playing with my hair again. "Morning," I said whilst yawning.

"Good morning, we are going out for breakfast so come on," he said, pulling me out of bed. I put some Jeans on with a cropped sidemen hoodie that Harry had given me. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded checking I had everything on me.

"Okay, let's go," he said. We got an Uber to the place and we walked in. He had booked a table so we went to it. "Get whatever you want," he said and I nodded. I decided on a fruit salad. We ordered. "Why don't you celebrate your birthday?" He asked.

"Well my mum always forgot about it anyway so me and Lucas used to just have a day in together, hanging out. And ever since the accident, I've used it as a day to just be alone, not leaving the flat and doing things we probably would've done together." I said. "That's the only way Josh knows when my birthday is, because every year I do the same thing, lock my door, don't talk to anyone and play video games or monopoly with myself or something." I said and laughed.

"Oh, does he get you a present?" He asked.

"I don't accept them," I said. The waitress came over with our food. I thanked her. We ate and talked. After, we got the bill and I said I would pay but he literally wouldn't let me do he payed and we left.

Throughout the day, we talked and walked around London. We went back to the apartment and it had been decorated with candles. The dining table was set up and we sat down. A guy walked in with two plates of food, with both of our favourite meals on. He placed them down and we began eating. "Did you plan all of this?" I asked and he nodded, I smiled at him.

"Your first date needed to be special," he said.

"This is more than perfect, thank you," I said.

"Anything for you," he said and I blushed. After about 5 minutes we had finished. We both went into the bedroom.

"Thank you for all of this," I said and smiled at him.

"No problem," he said and he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back and he picked me up and put me on the bed. He continued to kiss me for a couple of minutes. We both pulled back and we smiled at each other. We just laid there and we both ended up falling asleep.

Yes this is a short chapter and especially for a big occasion for them but I like to leave open so you can decide what they did instead of just having a story.

Also.. I'm not 100% what you do on dates so I didn't want to make it and then it not be half realistic if you get me.

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