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For the past 5 months, we have just been doing our regular things like editing or relaxing. Half of his fans were accepting but half (mainly fan girls) were a bit more protective of him.

Today was the day we went to the Bahamas. I sat up and quickly got changed. Harry was already up and ready so he was waiting for me. I did my makeup and my hair and we both nodded calling an Uber and going to the ground floor. We had our suitcases and we stepped out onto the road. It arrived and we sat in the back. My leg was bouncing up and down. Harry placed his hand on it hoping to calm me down a bit.

Once we got there, we saw everyone stood there on their phones. I had my AirPods in playing some Disney, hoping it would distract me. Josh said something but I was focused on staying calm a bit too much. Someone touch my hand so I whipped my head to see who it was and it was Harry, he just smiled at me and I relaxed a bit when he began tracing circles. I took my AirPods out and put them in their case. "You okay?" Harry asked.

"Shitting myself," I said looking forward and taking a deep breath, "the fact that the plane is hours longer, it petrifies me and I'm probably going to be annoyingly scared,"

"It's okay, I'll be here," he said and I nodded.

"Oh god security," I said.

"That's going to be fun," he said and I sent him a death look.

"Ready?" Josh asked us.

"Yeah," Harry said and we went to the luggage area and gave all of our suitcases. Next was security. Harry was still holding my hand and attempting to keep me calm, that was until I had to walk through the body check thing. It went off. I immediately began to freak out. A woman came over to me with a scanner. I could feel myself struggling to breathe.

"It's going to be okay ma'am," she said and I noticed she was American, "it's just for everyone's safety,"

I nodded and she began to search me. A couple of tears left my eyes as I was trying to control my breathing, I couldn't control it. "You're clear to go," she said and I nodded and walked over to Harry, the only other person who had gone through one.

"I can't breathe," I said to him with my voice shaking.

"Okay do you want to get out of security?" He asked and tears kept falling as he held both of my hands and I nodded. He looked over to the guys before letting go of one of my hands and us both walking into the Duty-free. I could see things going dizzy around me.

"I-I need to s-sit down," I choked out before he pulled me over to the side where I sat on the floor. I curled up into a bal and put my hands around my face attempting to control my breathing again.

"Breathe with me okay? Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in.." he said. Bending down in front of me.

"I-I can't," I said and looked at him.

"Yes, yes you can just-" he said before he kissed me quickly and pulled away. My breathing was still staggered but better than before, I could manage to control it a bit better. He sat down next to me and held my hand.

"You're okay," he whispered. I looked at him and gave him a small smile. He wiped under my eyes, obviously where mascara had ran down. My breathing was now okay again.

"Thank you," I said to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"There's no need to thank me," he said rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said back. I saw all of the guys come around the corner and they spot us and walk over to us. Harry and I stood up.

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