Chapter Thirty

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Six weeks pass and Alexis can finally get back to work.
"Help me check the truck." Casey said.
"Why me though?" Alexis asked.
"We need to talk." Casey said.
"Fine." Alexis said.
They begin going through the truck.
"Why do you need to talk to me for?" Alexis asked.
"They're not letting you take off Friday." Casey said.
"What?" Alexis asked.
"You used all you vacation days." Casey said.
"I was on medical! I'm going I don't care." Alexis said.
"You could get fired." Casey said.
"I don't care. I've never missed the day." Alexis said.
"We're trying to get it sorted." Casey said.
"I can't miss it." Alexis said.
"And you won't." Casey said.
"Morgan and Casey, Boden's office." Chief said.
"Why do I feel like I'm always in there?" Alexis said.
Casey laughs.
"Jerk." Alexis said as she and Casey walk to Boden's office
Alexis looks annoyed.
"What did I do now?" Alexis asked.
"You don't have anymore vacation days to take off." Chief said.
"Fire me if you want to. I'm taking off!" Alexis said getting annoyed.
"If you really want me to." Chief said.
"No! Let her take my vacation days. I know how important Friday is. Give her my vacation days." Casey said.
Alexis looks like she's about to cry.
"No. If you want to fire me then fire me. I don't care. I'm going to Indiana anyway." Alexis said.
"Take my vacation days." Casey said.
Alexis walks out angrily and sits on Kelly's bed.
"Alex." Kelly said.
"Get away." Alexis said.
"Lex." Kelly said.
"I don't feel like talking." Alexis said.
"I do. I don't care if you listen or not." Kelly said.
Alexis turns to face the wall.
"Casey is trying to get you off. No matter what, you're getting off because this whole house is going to help. We know how special it is. This house is a family and family helps family. Minus watching the Herrmann kids." Kelly said.
Alexis giggles.
"I heard that." Kelly said.
"Shut up." Alexis said.
Kelly smiles. Casey walks to them.
"Morg." Casey said with a straight face.
Alexis and Kelly look at him.
"Look like you're going to Indiana." Casey said smiling.
"Jerk." Alexis said pushing his chest.
Casey smiles. Alexis hugs Casey.
"I love you guys." Alexis said.
"I guess I love you too." Kelly said.
Alexis shoves Kelly.
"You're going down." Kelly said.
Alexis starts to run away. Kelly picks her up from behind and hangs her upside down.
"Kelly!" Alexis whines.
Kelly laughs.
"My head is filling up with blood." Alexis said.
Kelly lets her go making her fall to the floor.
"Jerk." Alexis said.
"Love you." Kelly said.
"Where was my warning?" Alexis asked.
"You don't get one." Kelly said.
"Jerk." Alexis said.
"My name is Kelly." Kelly said.
Jack helps her up.
"At least someone's nice to me." Alexis said.

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