Chapter Thirty One

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Friday comes around.
"Lex, you have to get up." Kelly said.
"No." Alexis said.
Someone knocks on the door.
"Hey." Kelly said opening the door.
"Where is she?" Will asked.
"Bedroom." Kelly said.
Will walks into her bedroom and hugs her.
"It's going to be ok." Will said.
"I have to get ready." Alexis said.
Will kisses Alexis.
"I'm coming with you." Will said.
"No." Alexis said.
"I don't want you driving." Will said.
"Fine." Alexis said.
Alexis gets ready. Kelly hugs her best friend.
"I'm only one call way." Kelly said.
Alexis nods trying not to cry.
"Be safe." Kelly said.
"You too. Love you." Alexis said.
"I love you too." Kelly said.
They get to Indiana.
Jill hugs Alexis. Alexis breaks down.
"This is Will Halstead, my boyfriend. Jill Baker my adopted mother." Alexis said crying.
Will hugs her.
"Why don't you guys get settled in." Jill said.
Will gets their bags and get to Alexis's bedroom.
"This is what teenage Alexis Morgan's bedroom was like." Will said.
"From the age of 16."  Alexis said.
Will kisses her forehead.
"It's going to be ok." Will said.
"Can we go?" Alexis asked. 
"Come on." Will said.
They get to the cemetary and Alexis sits on with ground infront of their graves.
"I'll wait in the car." Will said softly.
Alexis nods and Will walks away.
"9 years since I lost you guys. I can't believe it. It seems so unreal." Alexis said.
Alexis moves in front of  her mom's grave.
"Hey mom. I am now a full time paramedic which I love to do. I save so many people but couldn't save the two important people in my life. I met an ED doctor who's very nice to me. He's the guy who came all the way over here because he didn't want me to drive. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him. But it's only been maybe a week. Kelly, who's my best friend and the Squad Lieutenant teases me non stop. He hangs me upside down and makes the blood go to my head. You would love both of them. They both saved my life in a way and I'm forever grateful for it. But I miss you. I miss you so much." Alexis said crying.
Alexis moves over to James's grave.
"Jamie guess what. I get to ride in a real firetruck. Well I did. Now I ride in an Ambulance. You would love 51. I feel like you would fit in perfectly. Everytime I ride in 61, it's for you. The reason why I save people for a living is because of you. I made sure I became a firefightersince you couldn't. I love you Jamie. I miss you. I miss you my best friend." Alexis said at this point sobbing.
It begins to rain. Alexis puts her hood up and sits on the ground crying just wanting to be held my her mom and hold her brother. Will sits on the ground next to her with his arm around her.
"I miss them." Alexis said.
"I know you do put you're going to get hypothermia if you stay out in the rain." Will said.
"I don't care." Alexis said.
Alexis doesn't move. Will pulls her over to him.
"I'm cold." Alexis said quietly.
They get back to Jill's and shower.
"You got your two favorite places on." Will said as Alexis puts on her paramedic long sleeves and one of Will's Chicago med sweatshirts.
"Shush it." Alexis said.
Will smiles and kisses Alexis.

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