Chapter Twenty Five

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"In here!" Mr Myers shouts.
"Help me down." Alexis said.
Kelly opens the emergency door and helps her down.
"What do you need?" Kelly asked.
"You." Alexis said.
Kelly gets on the bus.
"Are you hurt? Headache, loss of consciousness, Sentitivity to light or neck pain?" Alexis asked as she checks on him.
"No, Let me help the kids." Mr Myers said.
"You still need the hospital." Alexis said.
Mr Myers gets out and they begin getting kids out.
"Kelly!" Alexis shouts.
Kelly gets to Alexis and sees Lucy bleeding badly.
"We need to get her out now!" Alexis worriedly said.
Lucy's radial artery continues to bleed.
"I need a sawzall towards the emergency door and have Brett stand by." Kelly said over the radio.
"Alexis." Lucy said very weakly.
"I know it hurts. We're going to get you out." Alexis said.
"Severide." Cruz said peaking his head out.
Lucy gets out and Brett starts speeding to Med.
"Brett hurry!" Alexis said.
"I'm going as fast as I can." Brett said.
"I got you." Alexis said sadly.
Lucy begin to get really pale.
"Brett." Alexis said.
Brett starts honking the horn.
"How is she?" Brett asked.
"Not too good." Alexis said.
"I'm trying." Brett said.
Lucy's heart monitor goes crazy.
"Brett!" Alexis said starting CPR.
They finally get to Med.
"Hey." Will said.
"She was only eight." Alexis said.
Will hugs her as Alexis starts crying in his chest.
"It's ok." Will said trying to calm her down.
Alexis wipes her eyes.
"I'm sorry." Will whispered.
"I need to get back to work." Alexis said.
"You can't work." Will said.
They get back to the firehouse.
"Hey." Kelly said.
"Don't." Alexis said.
"What?" Kelly asked.
"I know the tone of your voice. I don't want it. I don't need it." Alexis said.
"Ok." Kelly said looking at his best friend.
Alexis smiles. Kelly puts his hand on her cheek. Alexis walks into the common room.
"Jack Dalton, what are you making?" Alexis asked.
"Lunch." Jack said.
"What's for lunch?" Alexis asked.
"Family recipe." Jack said.
"Dalton family recipe?" Alexis asked.
"Want to help?" Jack asked.
Alexis smiles.
"Yeah." Jack said.
Alexis and Jack start cook.
"This reminds me when I would help my mom cook. Well I would beg her and James would get angry because I was helping." Alexis said.
Jack smiles.
"What happened to them?" Jack asked.
"Not ready to tell you." Alexis said.
"Alex." Kelly said.
Alexis looks up and squeezes the knife's handle hard.
"Dalton." Kelly said.
Jack sees Alexis.
"Give me the knife." Jack whispered.
Alexis doesn't let go of the knife.
"Is my daughter trying to kill me?" Wyatt asked.
Alexis looks like she's about to explode.
"Aw, she's not saying anything. Cat got your tongue?" Wyatt asked.
"Why don't you just leave me alone! For once! Leave me alone and don't come back! I don't want you here! I finally found people who actually cared for me! I found a new family! You hid from your 16 year old grieving daughter for 8 years! 8 years she thought you were dead!" Alexis yelled.
"Alex!" Kelly said as Alexis walks out of the common room.
Alexis punches the wall leaving her knuckles bloody and she continues to walk to the locker room.
"Lex." Kelly said.
Alexis continues to walk away.
"Alexis Rae." Kelly said trying to get her attention.
"What?!" Alexis shouts.
Kelly hugs her.
"Don't talk just stay." Kelly said still hugging her.
Alexis starts sobbing.
"There you go. Let it out. I got you." Kelly said.
Alexis continues to let it all out. Kelly starts stroking her hair.

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