C h a p t e r 3

158 24 3

Craig's POV

It's been like a week since I ran into Tyler and at first we were talking a lot, but everyday that goes by it seems we stop talking. So I decided to call him, didn't have anything else better to do anyway.

"Hello?" I heard his voice through the phone making me smile. "Hey ty!" I said happily. "Oh hey Craig, what's up?" "Nothing much, I just called cause I noticed we haven't been talking much." I say as I get up from the couch and start walking around, I should say pacing. "Oh I'm sorry, I've been a little busy planning a meet and greet for my fans. The guys are supposed to be coming over to stay for a few days too for the meet and greet." By now I was leaning against my counter in the kitchen. "Oh nice, I've never done one of those." "Oh you should come! We're gonna be meeting up at the beach." I feel a big smile find it's way to my face as I feel excitement go through my body. "I would love too! When is this meet and greet?" "It's on August 1, starting in the early morning and ending late at night, so it's all day." August was in two days, (August first is my birthday lol) so I have lots of time to make a video telling fans about it. "Okay! I'm gonna go make a video about the meet and greet, I'll text you later okay?" "Okay Craigy, see ya!" "Bye!" I say before hanging up. I put my phone to my chest as I giggle to myself.

I skip up the stairs to my recording room, jumping up in joy well starting the video. "How's a going lads, Mini here! I'm making this video to tell y'all that I'm hosting a meet and greet on August first from 8 am to 10 pm. I will be taking pictures with fans and signing anything besides for boobs and asses." I giggle to myself as I roll my eyes. "Hope to see you guys there!" I say before ending the video, editing it then uploading it. Seeing the views rolling in quickly, I look at the comments to see things like "I can't wait!" And "I'm definitely gonna be there!" I smile to myself as I just start jumping around the small room giggling to myself. "I get to spend a whole day with Tyler! And my fans!"

I thought to myself as I decided I would need something nice to wear, plus swimming wear. I ran downstairs grabbing my keys and I was out the door. Locking it then going to my gorgeous baby, unlocking it then getting in, starting the engine then pull out of the driveway and off to the mall!

I park the car then get out, locking it then start walking to the mall. It takes me awhile to find a place but I spot hot topic going towards the store.

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(For the first picture what Craig buys is the middle outfit, and the orange swimming shorts for the beach)

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(For the first picture what Craig buys is the middle outfit, and the orange swimming shorts for the beach)

I end up buying a light blue/green shirt with white stripes with dark blue skinny jeans and white shoes. I also brought orange swimming shorts, I pay for them then start wondering around the mall. "Omg is that Miniladd!?" I hear a girl yell from somewhere around me. I look around to see a few girls who look to be 17, then I spot the girl I met a week ago at Starbucks with them. She smiles at me as I do the same with her.

The group of girls come over to me asking to take pictures, I take pictures with them all but notice that Natalie seems to be sad. "I'm just gonna steal your friend for a second here." I say grabbing Natalie's hand making her yelp. Once we were away from the others I turn to face her. "What's wrong?" She seems to be shocked but looks down towards the ground. "Those girls over there." She says lifting her head to look in the direction they were in. "They treat me like shit, but since I don't have any other "friends" I hang out with them." She looks back towards the ground, I feel a sudden sadness come over me as I lift her chin to look at me. "Look nat, I have an idea, I'm having a meet and greet in two days, you should come. And I'll even give you a shoutout." She seems to be shocked but hugs me tightly, I chuckle as I hug her back before pulling away. "Thank you Craig, you have no idea how much that means to me." "No problem, also here, have my number." I say handing her a piece of paper with my phone number on it. Her eyes go wide as she takes it, looking over it carefully then back at me. "I have no words, thank you." She says as she gives me one last hug then goes off towards one of the exits, ignoring the mean girls.

I do the same as her going to the exit I used before going to my car. I unlock it putting the bags in the trunk, I close it then go to the driver seat. Starting the car up and driving back to my house.

I pull into my driveway turning off the car, getting out, locking it, unlocking my door, then walk into my house throwing my keys on the counter. I go up to my room to put the clothes I just bought away. Then go to bed because I'm fucking tired.

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