C h a p t e r 27

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Craig's POV (another amazing picture of Mini for y'all:) he's a gorgeous Benn 👏)

I decided I would wear the outfit Tyler had bought for me for today. Plus I knew Tyler would never be able to take his eyes off me and I love his attention sooooooooo.

I curled my hair a bit near the front to give it a cute look. I made sure I looked good before walking out of the bathroom. Tyler was standing there wearing one of the outfits I had got him making me smile. He turns to me and his eyes go wide for a second before a smile makes it's way to his face. " I knew it would look amazing on you." He says as he walks over to me, swinging an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him as I giggle. I wrap my arms around his neck as his now rest just above my ass. *heho*

"Come on!" Evan yells from down the stairs. "Coming!" I yell as I kiss Tyler quickly then grab my keys, wallet and phone before running downstairs with Tyler behind me.

"So whose riding with who?" Evan asks as we were now standing outside in front of the cars. "I call Mini!" Tyler yells from beside me causing me to giggle softly. "Alright, Marcel you go with Luke, Lui with David, Jonathan with me, Brock can go with Brian." Evan says pointing towards us as he names off the guys. "I'll send you guys the directions to the place just incase you get lost or lose me." He says as he gets out his phone, typing what I'm guessing to be the directions to this place. Mine along with everyone else's phones go off saying that Evan has texted us.

"Hmm, let's go this way." I say as I turn down a street. "this is not the way to the mini golf place Craig." Tyler says from beside me. "I know, I just want to do something first." I smirk as I look over to Tyler. I look back to the road well giggling softly. I turn down another street but this one is longer, and no cars were on it. The smirk on my face grew wider as I pressed down hard on the gas pedal causing the car to go speeding down the street. "Craig what the fuck?!" Tyler yells as he holds onto my arm tightly like he did before. It was hard to even hear anything else as the engine was the only thing that could be heard. But all the fun was stopped when sirens could be heard from behind us. I slow down and pull over to the side of the road and roll down my window.

"Haha!" Tyler starts laughing as a cop walks over to my window. "Hello sir. I'm sure you know the reason for why I pulled you over?" He asks. "Yes." I reply. Tyler could be heard beside me chuckling to himself. He's gonna get it later. "Tyler stop laughing this is series." I hiss towards Tyler as he slowly calms down. "Sorry babe, it's just funny." I roll my eyes as I look back to the cop. He seemed to be a little surprised then smiled at me. "You two dating?" He asks. I look back to Tyler then to the cop again. "Yes." I reply as I grow nervous. "How long?" He asks again. "Uh two-three weeks?" I say but it comes out as more of a question. "yeah about that." Tyler says from beside me. Tyler was now leaning forward and resting his elbows on the arm rest thingy in the middle of the seats between him and I. "It's nice seeing couples like you two around. I've been with my husband for about 20 years now and we're always hiding from the public eye." My eyes go wide at this. "What are your names?" He asks. "I'm Craig and that dork is Tyler." I say pointing towards Tyler with a cocky smile on my face. "Hey! If anyone here's the dork it's you." I turn my head over to look at him. But we both end up chuckling as I look back to the cop. "I'm Anthony. I'll let you guys pass without a ticket or anything." My eyes go wide a bit at this. "Really?" Both Tyler and I say to him. "Yes, now get along, I'm sure there's somewhere you two need to be." He says as he smiles at us.

We both say goodbye to him then drive back onto the road. Making sure not to speed this time. "that guy was really nice." I spook as we stop at a red light. "Yeah, are there that many people who hate gays?" Tyler asks causing me to look over at him. "I guess so. But that will never stop me from loving you." I say grabbing Tyler's hand and interlocking it with mine. "I love you." I smile as I lean over to him and kiss him. "I love you too." I say as I pull back and start driving again.

I park the car beside Evan's then get out. "What the hell took you two so long? Did you have sex or something?" Evan says as he gets off the wall he was leaning against and uncrossing his arms. "Well Craig here thought it would be a good idea to go off track and speed down a road. Then we got pulled over, but the guy was really nice and didn't give us a ticket or anything. All because we were gay and weren't afraid to show it." Tyler explains. "Really? Evan how come every time we get pulled over we always Get a ticket?" Jonathan asks as he turns to his boyfriend. 'I don't know babe." Evan crosses his arms again as he lets out a sign. "Well now that everyone is here lets get started!" Tyler groaned beside me as we walked into the place.

It was a indoor mini gold course and glow in the dark as well. We each got a different coloured ball and club so we wouldn't get mixed up. (Craig-orange. Tyler-pink. Marcel-pruple. Evan-red. Jonathan-blue. Lui-yellow. David-dark green. Brock-light green. Brian-black. Luke-brown.)

I smile brightly as we enter the course. It was very colourful. "Mini! you're shirt!" Lui said pointing towards my shirt. I look down to see it was glowing making me giggle. Anyone who was wearing white or anything that wasn't a dark colour was glowing. "Okay who's going first?" I ask catching everyone's attention. "Me!" Evan says as he places his ball down on the ground where the little marker thing said to put it. He ended up getting a hole in one.

"This game fucking sucks!" Tyler yells out as he yet again misses the hole. We were all dying of laughter as we watched Tyler fail over and over and over again. Finally though he got it in after 12 tries. "You're really that bad aren't you?" I tease as we watch Jonathan hit his ball. "Fuck off." He hisses causing me to giggle. It was my turn now as I placed the ball down. I got back up and aimed the club to the ball, making sure I was perfect with my aim before hitting it, getting another hole in one. "What the fuck!?" Tyler yells as I walk back over to him. "I guess I'm just that good." I say well giggling. Tyler just groans out loud well throwing his head back.

"That was really fun! We should do that again sometime." I spoke as we give our balls and clubs back to the person. "No, I'm never doing this again." Tyler states from behind me. "It wasn't that bad." Marcel says as he comes up behind Tyler and pats him on the back to make him feel less of a loser. "It still sucks." I giggle causing him to look up at me. His eyes soften and he smiles, causing me to blush.

Tyler and I were the last to leave the parking lot as we followed everyone else. Tyler had placed his hand on my inner thigh causing me to blush slightly. "Tyler what are you doing?" I ask as we stop at a red light. "Just giving you some attention." I just roll my eyes as I start driving again seeing as the light turned green. Tyler's thumb rubbed circles on my thigh making me grip the steeling wheel tightly. "Something bothering ya?" Tyler asks, a cocky smile planted on his face. "N-no." I stutter as I pull into the driveway of the house. "Alrighty." He says as he gets out, then walks over to my side and opens the door for me. "Thank you." I say as he just nods at me. He takes my hand in his and we walk into the house. Hand in hand.

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