C h a p t e r 6

147 20 1

Craig's POV

I've been laying in my bed for hours now, just smiling to myself. It's been a few days since the meet up and I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face. I decided since I was in such a good mood I would do a live steam. I got up off my comfy bed and to my recording room where all the magic happens (take that as you please 😂)

I quickly make a tweet about going live then going onto twitch, I set everything up and once I was done I went live. "Hello lads, welcome to my live stream where I'm gonna be answering your questions and just shit like that!" I say happily as the smile on my face grows bigger. "Alright!! First question, how was the meet and greet? I wasn't able to come." There was a sad face at the end, I looked back up at the camera putting a smile on my face. "It was great! I got to meet so many of my fans and don't worry, I'm going to be having another one soon." I say giggling at the end.

The rest of the live stream went as that, people would ask me questions and I would answer them. I did my outro as I stopped the stream seeing I had been live for four hours. I got up, brushing myself off before going to my kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee then going over to my couch. Sitting down comfortably then turned my tv on, I noticed that Wildcat has posted a new video, it was posted an hour ago. It already had a million views making me gasp, almost spitting out the coffee I had in my mouth. I swallowed as I pressed play, seeing Tyler's face pop up on the screen. I felt my eyes go wide as I leaned forward, Tyler never made videos like this, he didn't even have a face cam for when he did play games.

"Hey guys, I know this isn't the video you were all expecting but something happened."

By now I was on the edge of the couch, almost slipping off. My coffee tightly in my hands. He looked like he was about to start crying, I felt so bad.

"M-me and K-kelly broke up... we were together for five eyes but I found out that she was cheating on me.."

My mouth hung open as the words came out of Tyler's mouth. My god the poor guy!

"Please don't hate on her.. I know she cheated but still, I also won't be posting as much because of this. But I wanted to let you guys know what was going on, I'll see ya in the next one."

And with that the video ended, I couldn't move for about a minute as I was stuck thinking. I suddenly had the perfect idea though.

"I'll text him right now and see if he wants to get coffee with me, maybe letting him rant to me will help him! Yes!" I said happily well jumping around clapping my hands. I quickly ran upstairs to my room picking out a cute outfit. I grabbed a white hoodie and light blue jeans. I got changed pretty fast, after doing that I grabbed my phone which was sitting on my bed.

"Hey Ty, I heard what happened.. I'm so sorry. But I was wondering if you wanted to join me for coffee? Maybe we could talk about it?"

I sent the text as I let my head fall to the soft bedding, signing as I star up at the Celling. "Ding" I heard coming from my phone, I quickly grab it reading the Text from Tyler.

"Hey Craig, It's okay you don't need to apologize, and sure I would love to join you. I need to get out of this stupid house for awhile anyways, I haven't left since you know... that happened.."

I felt myself becoming sad as I read it, god I wish there was something I could do to get his mind off of it. I thought as I quickly started typing again.

"I get it Ty, do you want me to pick you up or meet there?"

I sent the text as I walked downstairs, grabbing my keys and wallet then left. Locking the door then going over to my car. Getting in and starting it, I felt my phone going off so I pulled it out to see Tyler texted me.

"I'll meet you there, you leaving now?"

"Yeah, I'll see ya soon Ty."

"You too Craigy."

I smiled at the name he called me as I pulled out of the driveway and to Starbucks. I turned up the volume to hear the song F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Come on. I started bobbing my head to the beat as I hum the tune, as the song goes on I started singing the lyrics, Giggling to myself when I finish. I see the Starbucks so I turn the steering wheel to pull into the parking lot. After parking the car I get out, locking the car then walking towards the Starbucks. I order a vanilla frappe making myself giggle thinking I looked like a 14 year old basic white girl. I sit down in a circle booth just like I did when Tyler and I met before.

I was going through Twitter on my phone when I heard the dinging noise meaning someone was walking in, I look up to see a tired looking Tyler. His hands we were in his pocket's as he ordered himself a vanilla frappe like me. I smiled as he walked over to me, smiling back at me. He sat in front of me setting his frappe on the table, I grin to myself as I quickly take a picture of him and posting it on my Twitter.

"With this idiot." With the picture I took of Tyler. He was looking down at his phone with a slight smile on his face. I of course tagged him so when I posted it we both heard a ding from his phone, he picked it up and looked at the tweet, a big smile made it's way to his face making me smile. "You fucking asshole." He said while chuckling, causing me to giggle.

"So Ty, how have you been?" I ask trying to start up a conversation. "I've been better, what about you?" He asked taking a sip from his drink. "I've been doing great actually." I said with a big smile on my face, causing Tyler to
Blush, weird. "Anyways.. How have you been dealing with it." I ask leaning in a little bit, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. "Eh, it's hard as fuck because we were together for so long but it was gonna happen at some point, so I have been pushing myself so I don't get caught up in my feelings." I nod my head as I listen to his voice, oh how I wish I could hear that 24/7. "I'm glad you aren't depressed or some shit, but if you don't mind me asking how did you find out?" I ask tilting my head to the side slightly. "I was out shopping, when I came home she was in bed with this guy named Jack. She said they have been a thing for over a year now which made me feel even worse." I felt my mouth opening as I looked at him, he looked like he was holding back tears, Making me feel worse about asking. I sign as I get up, confusing Tyler as he looks up at me with his eye brow up. "Come with me." I say grabbing his upper arm, feeling his Muscles making me blush as I pull him out the door and to our cars which were parked beside each other. I stopped when I was in front of both the cars, turning around to face Tyler, well his chest I should say. I look up at him as he looks down to me. We both blush as we take sips from our frappes.

"Why did you take me out here?" He asks as he turns his head to me. "You looked like you were about to start crying, and I didn't want you to cry in there or embarrass yourself. So I brought you out here just in case." I say looking away from him and taking another sip from my frappe. "That was nice, thank you." I felt an arm wrap itself around my shoulder pulling me towards Tyler's chest, I blush bright red as I keep taking sips of my drink. It was about 9 pm so it was starting to get dark outside. "Hey you wanna go for a walk? The beach shouldn't be busy at this time." I asked looking up at him seeing he still had his arm around my shoulders. "Sure" is all he said as he got into his car, me doing the same.

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