C h a p t e r 46

53 11 8

Craig's POV (This is basically just a cute chapter for y'all☺️) (also 2k, thanks loves:)

A very loud bang was heard from outside causing me to wake up. It was night time, that's for sure. Cause I couldn't see a thing.

I soon realized that banging noise was thunder. I feel around but stop when another groan comes out of the person beside me.

"Craig? What the fuck where are you?" Tyler asks. I giggle and touch him, have no idea where I'm touching him but I am. "Oh you're right there." He chuckles and sits up. "Tyler I can't see." I said as he pulled me into his lap. "Here, let me just find my phon-yes!" Tyler used his phone as a flashlight. "I think I have actual flashlights in the basement. Care to join me on going there?" I ask turning my head to him. He chuckles and nods.

I get off him and grab my phone that was sitting on the coffee table. I turn the flash on and we walked to the entrance to the basement.

"Please don't tell me you have one of those basements where it looks like a monster or some shit is gonna eat us." I laugh at Tyler's remark and open the door. "Eh, it's not finished but it's not scary either." I reply as I start walking down the stairs. I hear Tyler sigh behind me then his footsteps following me.

Once in the basement I moved my phone around to get a good look at the place. There were many rooms in my basement, it's kinda like the first floor but not finished. Dust particles flew around the room, with each step it echoed. I only used down here for storage purposes and I hadn't come down here since I moved.

"I'll look in here and you look over there." I told him. He gave me a worried look and walked over to me. He lent down and kissed me then pulled back. "Ya know,, this wouldn't be such a bad place to have sex." He smirked. I blushed and pushed him away. He laughed and started walking into the other room. I sighed and walked the other direction and made my way into a different room.

I shined the light over the room to see only boxes. I groan loudly and walk over to one. I place my phone in my mouth and shine the light into the box as I open it. Nothing but books sat in it. I close the box and move on to the next one.

This went on for about 10 more minutes before I found the flashlights. I grab them then just as I was about to call for Tyler I had the most amazing Idea.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed. I ran behind the door and waited for Tyler to come. "Craig?! Craig what happened?!" Tyler shouted as he ran into the room. "Craig?!" He yelled again. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

Slowly I approached him from behind, then when I was about an inch or two away from him I slapped his ass so hard it echoed throughout the small room. "What the fuck?!" He shouted as he jumped away from me well rubbing his ass.

"Oh my god! T-that was f-fucking h-hilarious!" I said in between laughs. I crouched over, placing my hands on my knees as I wheezed. "That was so not funny." Tyler pouted. I finally calmed down from my laughing fit and looked up at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest and was giving me a glare. "W-what? Come on it was funny!" I exclaimed. He only rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the flashlights I had.

He turned it on and walked out of the room without saying a word. I sigh and do the same and follow him back upstairs.

Leaves wrestling in the wind could be heard from outside, reminding me of what exactly was happening out there. I looked down at my arm and pulled up the sleeve of Tyler's jacket. I slowly graze my hand over the wrap, some of the blood was soaking through it. I sigh and pull the sleeve back down and jog over to Tyler as he was calling for me.

Loud thunder echoed throughout the house causing me to jump and yelp. "Is someone scared?" Tyler asks, amusement hinting in his voice. "N-no." I stutter. He shines the flashlight at me and approaches me. "I think you are." He smirked well leaning down towards my face. "I-I'm not!" I replied. He only chuckled and backed away from me. "Whatever you say scaredy cat." I groan as he laughs and walks away.

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