C h a p t e r 22

109 14 22

Craig's POV

Once I heard Tyler close the front door I peeked out the window to see him getting into my car, starting it, then taking off down the street. I sign to myself as I look around the room. The sun was just about rising as it was now 5 in the morning, or something like that. I then heard a phone going off causing me to turn my head in the direction of the sound. I look to the bed to see Tyler's phone was ringing, I sign to myself as I get up and grab it, answering it without even looking.

"Hello?" I speak, now sitting on the edge of the bed. "Who is this? Where is Tyty?" A girl's voice rings through the phone. I cringe at the nickname as I roll my eyes. "This is Craig, Tyler's friend. Why are you calling? Did you need something?" I ask, trying to sound nice even though I was already annoyed at whoever this was. "I thought we were getting back together!" I nearly dropped the phone after hearing that. "Kelly?" "Yes?" Kelly answers. I could feel the anger in me start to rise as I tried so hard to keep it under control. "Tyler would never get back together with you, you're a slut and you only dated him for money!" I yelled into the phone, not caring if I woke anyone up. "I'd like to hear Tyler tell me what he wants other then his stupid little friend." Okay now I was done. "You know what Kelly?!" Right when I was about to start yelling at her Tyler walked into the room holding two coffees. "What's going on?" He asks as he looks at me then the phone that was up to my ear. His phone to be exact. "Who are you talking too?" He asks again. "Is that Tyler? Give him the phone rat." I was literally through the roof from how mad I was. "Shut the fuck up Kelly!" Once I said her name Tyler became a mixture of mad and worried as he walked over to me. "Give me the phone Craig." He said well putting his hand out. I sign as I take the phone away from my ear and into Tyler's hand. He puts it to his ear then starts speaking. "What do you want Kelly?" His voice sounds rough, I knew he was trying to sound like that. "Just because I didn't answer your stupid texts doesn't mean shit! Just fuck off and leave Craig alone!" And with that he hung up.

By now I was back to sitting in my little nook in the corner watching Tyler's every move. He signed then punched the wall. "Fucking bitch!" He yells as he starts pacing around the room. I quickly get up and run over to Tyler, once he sees me it seems like all his anger goes away and he calms down. "Tyler you need to calm down." I say as I grab the hand he punched the wall with and held it in my hands. "I'm sorry, she's just so fucking annoying." Tyler says as he looks away from me to the side, signing. "I understand, I was just about to start yelling at her until you walked in." Tyler turns his attention back to me after I finish speaking, worry in his eyes now. "What did she say to you?" He asks. His voice filling with worry along with his eyes. "She just called me a rat and shit. Don't worry about it Ty." Tyler still seems worried but I ignore it as I walk over to the dresser where Tyler had placed the coffees. Grabbing mine and walking over to the nook. I sit down and get comfortable then look back up at Tyler, he was just standing in the middle of the room, looking confused as ever.

"Ty?" I speak. He seems to snap out of whatever world he was in and grabs his coffee as well. "You okay?" I ask, worried about my boyfriend. "Yeah I'm fine, I just feel bad that you had to deal with her. It was my problem I didn't want you being in it." I smile seeing as he cared about me dearly. "Oh Tyler, I would do anything for you no matter what it was. Okay? Don't feel bad about this." I say as a small smile forms on his lips causing me to smile more. "Okay baby." I giggle as he walks over to me and sits on the other end of the nook, leaning against the wall like I was. Our legs were tangled up together as we drank our coffee. "So how was diving my car?" I ask, trying to start a conversation even though the silence wasn't bad. "It was amazing, some fans saw me and questioned it but other then that it was good. Oh and here." He says as he hands me my keys. "Oh! Thank you, I totally forgot." We both chuckle softly as we stare at each other. "I love you." I say, causing Tyler to smile. "I love you too." I giggle as the door to our room opens revealing a tired looking Brian. "Good morning Brian." I say greeting him. "How long have you two been awake for?" Brian asks as he walks into the room. "I've been up all night, Craig's been up since 2." Tyler answers. Brian seems shocked but chuckles softly. "Wanna help me make breakfast?" Brian asks cocking an eyebrow at us. "Of course!" I say getting up and going over to him. "Tyler you coming?" Brian asks making me turn around to face him. "No I think I'll stay here." "If you say so." Brian says as he leaves the room, me following.

Once we get downstairs we head to the kitchen, looking for something yummy to make. "So how are things with you and Tyler?" Brian asks. "We're doing great. How about you and Brock?" I ask turning to face him. His face turns all shades of red as he looks at me with wide eyes. "How did you know?" He seems shocked that I knew, it wasn't hard to notice the way they looked at each other. "You guys should really be more careful with the way you two look at each other." I roll my eyes playful at him as I turn back around to continue making breakfast, which was eggs and bacon since that's all Evan ever has in this house.

Now to Tyler's POV

Once Craig and Brian left the room I take out my phone. Going into my contacts, searching for that one name. Once finding it I press the call button and bring my phone to my ear. It rings a few times before someone picks up. "What do you want?" I ask, feeling annoyed that I even had to do this. "Hello Tyler, thank you for listening to me." Kelly says back.

Anddddddddd cliff hanger!!!!!!! Hehehehehe don't hate me lol.

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