C h a p t e r 7

148 20 26

Craig's POV

As we drove to the beach I heard people fangirling over my car, I chuckled as I would speed up making the engine roar loudly. When we pulled into the parking lot of the beach we saw no one there, Parking our cars right next to each other then getting out.

"Fuck Craig, I swear you were about to get pulled over." Tyler says coming over to me, I chuckle as we start walking together. We chat until we walk up to the water, it was a bright blue color as the moon shined off it. I kneeled down touching the water, feeling that it was actually pretty warm I took my hand away then started moving the bottom of my jeans up. "What the hell are you doing?" Tyler asks as he chuckles, eyeing my every move. "What does it look like?" I say smiling at him, he blushes as he smiles back at me. I take off my shoes feeling the sand going between my toe's. I sign as I slowly walk into the water, going up to my knees. "You just gonna sit there or you joining me?" I ask grabbing his attention, he shakes his head as he takes off his shoes and pulls his pants up. He slowly starts walking towards me, I get an idea as he gets closer. When he was about 5 feet away from me I kicked my foot up splashing water at him. He gasped as water got all over him, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. "I would run if I were you." I calm down as I look at him, wiping a tear from my eye from laughing so much. "Why?" I ask, grinning at him. "Cause you're gonna fucking pay bitch!" Tyler said before running at me, I scream as I start running away from him, it was hard seeing I was in knees deep. I then felt myself being lifted into the air then thrown. I swim up gasping for air as the air was knocked out of me. I can hear Tyler laughing his ass off as he I just give him my pout face. "Aw is Craigy upset cause he got all wet?" Tyler asks as he comes over to me, I chuckle as I walk over to him. "Give me a hug Ty." I say putting my arms out for him, he laughs as he tries running away, failing though as I now hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. I felt Tyler sign to himself before feeling arms wrap around me.

We were now shoulders deep as we hugged each other, neither of us wanting it to end. "Hey mini?" I hear him say, I turn my head up looking up at him as my arms stayed around his waist well his were around my shoulders. "Hmm?" I hum as he looks down at me, blushing a slight pink color. "Thank you for this, I haven't been this happy in awhile." I giggle as we rest our heads together, breathing in sync. "No problem Ty, that's what friends are for right?" I felt my voice getting sadder as I realized what I had said, I knew we would only be friends, so why was I still hoping he might like me back? "What's wrong?" I get cut out of my thoughts as I look up at Tyler seeing worry in his eyes. "Don't worry about it Ty, we are hanging out to help you not me."  I say turning my head to the side, resting it on Tyler's chest. I felt my chin being lifted making me look back up at Tyler, I could feel myself turning red as I looked everywhere but his eyes. "Look at me." I look at him, seeing his eyes soften as I look down at his lips for a slit second. "Tell me." I feel myself sign as I hear the water making noises as we move around. "I don't know if it's a good idea if I say." I try getting out of the grip he had on me by walking away but I got pulled right back into his chest, making me blush. "Please Craig, I'm worried." I felt myself growing scared as I didn't want to tell him, he just got out of a very serious relationship, I'm not gonna let him lose his best friend too. "I don't think I can tell you yet ty, you just got out of a relationship an-" "why does this have something to do with that?" Tyler cut me off, I felt myself blush in embarrassment as I realized I had already said too much. I felt myself start to shake as I grew cold, Tyler noticed as he hugged me harder, making me feel safe. "Can we get out?" I ask looking up at him as I start to shake more. "Only if you tell me what's wrong." I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I started shaking more, not from being cold but because I was scared, scared of losing him forever.

"Ty-Tyler, it's not a good idea anyways..." I felt a tear fall down the side of my face as I put my face into Tyler's chest to hide it. "look at me." I shook my head at him. "No." I said, making me sound like a 5 year old boy getting told to do something. "Craig look at me!" Tyler raised his voice making me snap my head at him. His eyes widen as he saw the tears rolling down my face. "Oh my gash Craig! I'm so sorry. You don't have to tell me anything, here let's get out." He says letting go of my shoulders making me shake more from the cold. I didn't bring any towels or anything and it was dark outside so it was already a little chilly. Both our clothes soaking wet and I am not going into my car like this. I held my shoulders moving my hands up and down trying to warm myself up. "We really didn't think this through did we?" I said out loud getting a chuckle from Tyler. "I guess not." "What are we gonna do? Cause I'm not going in my car like this." I say looking down at myself, Tyler Doing the same for himself. "I mean, we could always just sleep here." I felt my eyes grow wide as I look at him saying are you crazy?! With my eyes as a smile forms on his face. "Come on it will be fun!" I'm happy Tyler is feeling better, but this seems a little much. "What if people see us? We can't just sleep in the open like this." I say moving my arms around, turning my attention back to him as he started walking over to his car, me having no where else to go followed him. He walked to the back of the car opening the trunk, I look inside to see two towels, one black and the other white (unnus aunus😂😂) And a Wildcat hoodie. I grab the white one wrapping it around myself as Tyler grabs the black one. I look back down at the hoodie, seeing as that one hasn't been released yet. "Why do you have that?" I ask looking towards the hoodie not wanting to move my arms. "It was an old design, I didn't like it so it's been in here since." I nod my head secretly wanting to have it. Tyler must have seen me eyeing the hoodie cause he said that I could have it. "Really? You sure?" I ask as I grab the hoodie, I had already taken the towel that was around my shoulders off, it was folded nicely on the car as I held out the hoodie. "Yes Mini, it's all yours. Think of it as a thank you for tonight." I felt myself smile as I quickly take off my wet orange hoodie, seeing I wasn't wearing anything under I blushed. I look towards Tyler seeing he was checking me out, I felt my cheeks turn bright red as I quickly pull the new hoodie over my shoulders. Once I was comfortable in it I brushed myself off, looking up to only see that Tyler was again checking me out. "Tyler?" I say snapping my fingers in his face. "Wow what's up? What did I miss?" He says looking around, he spots me as a blush creeps it's way to his cheeks. "If we were to stay here for the night where would we stay?" I ask as I go over to my car, grabbing my phone and putting it in the pocket of the hoodie. "We could just go home now that we have towels and shit, but it wouldn't be as fun." Tyler says as I nod my head at him. "We can bring anything we have for something to lay on." He continues going back to his car to look for more shit, me doing the same.

I ended up finding the bag I brought with me the day of the meet and greet making me smile. "Tyler! I still have my bag from the meet and greet!" I yell grabbing his attention, he runs over to me taking the bag from my hands to look inside. "You have a orange towel, sunglasses, sunscreen, sweat pants and a shirt." I takes the things out of the bag placing them nicely on the car. "You can have the sweat pants, they don't fit me anyways." I say getting a nod from Tyler. He moves to the side of the car before taking off his pants. "Tyler! What the hell are you doing?!" I ask giggling as I try not to look at him. "I'm changing, what does it look like?" I laugh more as I give up trying to hold myself from looking at him. He was wearing black bowers, fuck I think I'm getting a boner...

I feel my eyes grow wide as I look down quickly towards my crouch area seeing a little bump there. I feel my cheeks heat up as I try to cover up my little friend. "Done!" I hear Tyler say as he walks over to me without a shirt on and the black sweat pants I gave him. I blush more as I look him up and down, then back to his face.

"So where we going?"

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