C h a p t e r 38

66 12 3

Craig's POV

I took a deep breath in as I gripped my thighs tightly. "I found Tyler at your house, Mrs. Wilde." I spoke. I looked over to see Tyler hugging her, you could tell she was scared. "The front door was open. I found Tyler and Jason in the basement.. Tyler is, well how he looks now and Jason had barely any injuries."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, it was like my voice just disappeared. I shut my eyes tightly and brought my hands up to my face, covering it as I sobbed out. I lent down, my elbows resting close to my knees.

"Do you want me to finish?" I nodded. "My fath-Jason, punched me 5 times and threw me against the wall." This was as new of information to them as it was to me. My body began shaking again, tears poured from my eyes but it was hidden as my hands were covering my face. "When Craig got there.. Ja-Jason, he slapped him hard across the face." Gasps were heard around the room. I felt a hand rub up and down my back making me look to see who it was. I saw my mother with tears in her eyes. I mouth the words "I'm sorry" to her. She just shook her head.

"I was about to knock him out when Craig stopped me. He ended up doing it himself and threatened him." My cheek was throbbing, I could taste blood on my tongue.

"Terra bring Tyler upstairs to the bathroom and help him clean up. Craig stay here and let me He-" I stopped her by holding my hand up, I was looking at the floor. "I can do it, it's nothing bad mother." I spoke quietly. "O-Okay." She replied. "I'm going downstairs." I spoke, getting up and walking downstairs and into the bathroom that was connected to my room.

I lean against the door as I let out a sob. I didn't know why I was acting like this. I know I'm a sensitive person but really? Tyler's Fine, I'm fine, so why am I panicking? I look around the small bathroom, stopping when they land on a razor. I feel myself pushing back against the door and walking towards it. I pick it up, examining it before walking in front of the mirror. I look up at myself, a serious expression on my face as I look between my wrists and the reflection in the mirror.

I sign shakily as I bring the razor to my wrist. Right when I was about to apply pressure to it it was knocked out of my hand, flying across the room making I yelp.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks, his one hand gripping the counter top. I shallow hard, my whole body quivering. "I-I-I." "What Craig!?" I stepped back a little but my legs give out causing me to collapses on the floor. I started sobbing uncontrollably and hug myself.

"ImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorry." I kept repeating it over and over again. My eyes were shut tightly as I rocked back and forth. "Hey, hey baby I'm sorry.." I looked up slightly, seeing that Tyler was now kneeling in front on me. I moved my head away from my lap, my lip started to quiver as I threw myself at Tyler.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, I wrap mine around his neck as I cry. I kept repeating the words "I'm sorry" over and over until he told me to stop. He pulled away and looked at me. I could barely see from the tears taking up my version. He took off my glasses and wiped the tears then placed them back on my face.

His face was a lot clearer now. There was a visible cut on the left side of his lip, there was a cut on his forehead and his left cheek was bruised. I moved my hand to his face, touching everywhere. My hand rested under his chin, my thumb lightly touching the cut on his lip. I looked between his lips and eyes and slowly leaned in, filling the space between us.

I was extremely careful of the cut on his lip. It only lasted a few seconds before Tyler pulled away. "I'm sorry, it just hurts." I hum in response as I play with his hair, feeling myself finally becoming calm. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, I can see it was a lot for you to handle." He says, rubbing small circles in/on my back.

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