C h a p t e r 32

73 14 13

Craig's POV (play when said)

6 am, that's when I woke up. Stretching as I sit up, a yawn escaping my mouth. I swing my legs over the side of the bed as I rub my eyes and grab my glasses from the nightstand. I already had my clothes picked out and set on my dresser, I grab a towel then walk into the bathroom.

*two hours later when Craig is finished getting ready*

*two hours later when Craig is finished getting ready*

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(Craig's outfit)

I brush myself off as I grab my suitcase, phone, carry on bag, wallet, and my keys before racing out the door and to my car. I put the suitcase and carry on bag in the trunk then go to the driver's seat, Turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway.

I smiled the whole drive there as I now pulled into the parking lot of the airport. It took about 20 minutes to find a spot as I parked, Turned the car off then got out. Grabbing my suitcase and carry on from the trunk before locking the car.

I walk into the airport signing, now all I got to do is get to the boarding place where hopefully Tyler is.

*20 minutes later*

I sit in one of the chairs that was provided for the passengers as I lean back and pull out my phone, going on Twitter.

"Where are you *at sign* Wildcat?"

"*At sign*Mini Ladd. Behind you"

I look at the tweet then slowly look behind me seeing Tyler sitting in the chair behind me. "Hi there." He greets with a smile. I smile back as I turn the top half of my body around to face him. "Hey." I say back.

"People who are boarding flight 25395 can now start boarding the plane."

Someone on the speakers spoke.

(Tyler's Outfit)

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(Tyler's Outfit)

Tyler and I got up and walked up to the lady who was taking our tickets. "Have a safe flight!" She says as we walk by.

"Ah, finally I get to sleep." Tyler says as he leans back in his seat beside me. I chuckle as I sit down. "You really gonna sleep through the whole flight?" I ask turning to him. "Bitch I woke up at 5 yes I'm going to sleep through the whole thing." He replied. I just chuckled at his grumpiness as I turned to face out the window. "I'm gonna make a vlog about this, can you pass me my bag?" I ask. "Sure." He gets up and grabs my bag and hands it to me. "Thank you." He just smiles at me as he gets comfortable. "Please buckle yourself in as we will be taking off in about 5 minutes." Someone says through the speakers. Tyler and I do as told as I pull out my camera from the bag and place it on the window.

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