C h a p t e r 24

77 14 9

Evan's POV (and a little bit of third point of view)

Once Craig, Brock and Jonathan left the room I got up from my spot and went to the kitchen to get myself a drink. I could hear the others talking quietly to each other until a pair of footsteps could be heard from the stairs. The room fell silent as I walk back into the room, holding my beverage tightly in my hands. "What the fuck happened down here?" Tyler asks. His voice still husky as he probably just woke up from a nap. We all look at each other with sad/scared/worried looks then back to Tyler. Tyler looks around the room then his eyes go wide a bit. "Wait where's Brock, Jonathan and Craig?" He asks. We all sign as I lean against the wall, taking a sip from my drink. "Who wants to tell?" I ask out loud, causing everyone to turn to me. I look to Tyler to see a confused but worried look in his eyes as he moves his eyes quickly around the room. "Someone better fucking tell me what's going on!" He yells. I sign seeing as though no one else was gonna tell him. "Craig went for a walk." I start, causing Tyler to whip his head in my direction. "What about it?" He asks, worry lingering in his voice. "He just got back, and he went two hours ago." Marcel adds causing Tyler to turn his head to him. His eyebrows go up as he starts playing with his hands. "Please don't tell me he got hurt.." he says sadly out loud. We all look down as I heard Tyler let out a shaky breathe. "When he got back, he slammed the door shut and started crying." Brian adds. Tyler's eyes go wide in horror at this. His hands start shaking as his breathing quickens. "We asked him what had happened but our questions got answered when he looked up." Lui added. Tyler's hands made their way to his face as he rubs his face, keeping his hands there as he takes shaky breathes. "W-what happened?" He asks, his voice trembling as he looks around at us, waiting for an answer he knew he didn't want to hear. "He had cuts all over his face and hands. His lip was bleeding and he could hardly breathe." I answered. Tyler's lip started quivering as he almost lost his balance if it were for the wall. He held out his hand catching himself before hitting the wall, then leaned against it as he pulled at his hair. "He has a deep cut on his left cheek, he didn't notice all the others things cause they were little. But he was panicking like crazy, even when Jon and Brock brought him into the bathroom to fix him up." David says as he walks up to Tyler, patting him on the back in a way to calm him down.

Tyler's breathing quickens even more as he places his hand on his chest, trying to calm himself down. "Tyler you need to calm down." I state as I walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder as he starts pacing around the room, basically pulling out his hair. "How can I calm down? My boyfriend just got fucking attacked!" He yells out as he stops to look at us then goes back to pacing. "That's not really all that happened." Lui says quietly. Tyler stops dead in his tracks and turns to Lui. "There's more?" He asks. His voice just above a whisper. "He said the man started making out with him, Craig tried pushing him off but he was to strong for Craig and slammed him into the wall. Then he slapped him a few times." I answer again. Tyler's eyes go wide in horror As his panic attack increases, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. "Tyler calm down!" I yell as Tyler starts losing his balance again. He starts hyperventilating as he holds his head with one hand well the other was placed on his chest. "I-I c-can't b-bre-breath." He speaks softly, he could hardly be heard if you weren't paying attention. "Tyler please." Luke spook as Tyler trembled into the wall, hitting his back hard against it.

(Third point of view now)

Tyler couldn't breath, his mind was racing with thoughts of Craig. He was panicking like crazy and he couldn't stop it. But that's when the door to the bathroom was opened. Jonathan, Brock then Craig walking out slowly. Craig kept his hood up and his head down as he entered the room. He had not noticed that Tyler was now here until he looked up and locked eyes with his lover. Craig's eyes went wide for a second before tears started forming in his eyes and his lip started quivering. As soon as Tyler saw this he raced over to his lover, pulling him in for a hug as the smaller male started sobbing loudly and uncontrollably. Surprisedly Tyler had also started sobbing as he held the boy in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he held him tight. "Do you want to go back to our room?" Tyler asks Craig without pulling him from him. Craig only responses with a slight nod of his head as Tyler signs. "I'm taking him up to our room." And with that they head up.

Tyler's POV

Once I had closed the door Craig ran back into my arms, crying uncontrollably and shaking. I just held him tightly in my arms as he continues to sob into my chest. "T-Tyler." He softly spook. "Yes?" I answer back in a sweet voice, but my panic is still there. "I-I'm s-sorry." I pull away slightly causing him to look up at me. My eyes widen as I look over his face. Cuts everywhere and his lips was also cut, there was a big cut on his left cheek though which is what caught my attention the most. I bring my thumb to it, ever so lightly touching it. I could feel myself tearing up again as I kissed his forehead. "Don't you apologize min, none of this was your fault." I whisper to him as I bring his head to my chest. A tear rolls down my face as I tighten my grip on him. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." I spoke through gritted teeth. (Don't know if that's the proper saying, please tell me if I'm wrong so I can fix it) I could feel myself growing angry as my grip around Craig tighten even more. "T-Tyler, to t-tight." I quickly release him and apologize causing him to smile lightly. "What did he look like?" I ask as I bring him over to the bed. He sits in the middle with his legs crossed well I sat in front of him. "The only thing I can remember is his eyes.. they were grey, they looked... lifeless." Craig spoke as I rubbed his hand with my thumb, trying my hardest to comfort him.

"Are you okay?" He looks up at me with this look, then he smiled softly. "I am now." I chuckle lightly then bring him in for another hug. "I love you, I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you." I say. He giggles softly as he pulls away. "I love you too dork." We both smiled as I kissed him. I brought my hand up to his cheek, being careful of the cut of course. He turned his head to the side deepening the kiss, I slowly leaned him down so that we were laying down. His back was on the bed well I was on top of him. He giggled in between kisses as his arms wrapped around my neck.

Once pulling away we just stared at each other, smiling. Thunder could be heard from outside causing Craig to jump a bit. "You scared?" I ask. "N-no, it just startled me." I hum in response as I wrap my arms around his waist, now laying on his chest. "Why didn't you leave a note or anything?" I ask bringing my head up a bit to look at him. "I didn't think I would be to long." He answers as he starts playing with my hair.

A light knock could be heard from the door causing Craig and I to look to it. "Come in." Craig answers. The door opens revealing all the guys with worried looks. "Has Tyler calmed down from his panic attack?" Evan asks. Craig seems prized by this, looking between Evan and I. "What do you mean?" Craig asks Evan. I just stuff my face further into Craig's neck. "Once you went into the bathroom with Jon and Brock Tyler woke up. Once we told him what happened he started hyperventilating badly." Craig's hands stopped moving as he looked down at me. "Is that true, Ty?" He asks, worry in his voice. "Maybe.." I reply. Craig just pulls me into his chest, hugging me tightly. "Hey Ty?" Craig suddenly speaks causing me to turn my head to look up at him. "Hmm?" I hum in response to him. "I love you." I smile widely before pecking his lips. "I love you too." "Awwwwwwwww." The guys could be heard causing Craig to start giggling.

A weight could be felt as the bed shifted meaning someone was on the bed. I look to see Jonathan laying down start beside Craig. "I love youuuuuuu." Jon says making Craig laugh. "I love you too Jon." He giggles as Jon cuddles up to Craig. "Hey! Back off bitch he's mine." I tried sounding serious but I ended up laughing near the end. "Don't worry Ty, I would never leave you." Craig says as he gives me that look. "You're cute." I say. "No you." He replies back. "No you." I respond. "No you." "No you." "No you." "No you." "No you." "Oh my god shut the Fock up you both are cute!" David yells causing everyone to laugh. "I think Craig's the cutest." Jon says causing Craig to blush slightly. "Hey! What about me?" Evan cuts in as he sits beside Jonathan on the bed. "Don't worry Babe, I still think you're cute." Jon says as he kisses Evan. "Good." Evan states as he wraps his arms around Jonathan's waist.

"Don't worry about Tomorrow, we'll let you two rest. You deserve it after all." Evan says as he looks at us. "Thank you." I mouth to him as he smiles softly at me. "I'm getting tired." Craig says as he stretches his arms out and yawning, causing me to yawn. "Let's leave the lovebirds to rest. We'll see you guys in the morning." Brock says as they all walk out of the room. Once they were gone I turned my attention back to Craig. I pecked his lips then we got under the covers.

I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, pulling him closer to me. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." And with that, I fell asleep.

Please read this.

Hi guys, I might be taking a break from writing for a little bit, I may update from time to time but something has happened in my life that I need to deal with. I don't want you guys thinking that I'm discontinuing any of my books. I hope you all understand.

Have a good rest of your day, peace ✌️

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