C h a p t e r 37

62 11 10

Tyler's POV

It's been an hour since I started editing Craig's videos. I was almost done when there was a light knock at the door. It opens slowly revealing Craig's mom, she looked quite sad. I turned the chair towards her as she slowly walked in, not moving far from the door.

She looks to Craig then back at me. "What's up?" I ask. My voice just above a whisper. "Uh, can you come upstairs with me? There is someone who is here to see you." I narrow my eyes at her. "Sure, want me to-" "No please, he doesn't need to know." I nod as I get up. Leaving Craig's room and walking upstairs with Laura. (Craig's Mom)

My eyes widen when I see my mother sitting on the couch, I was honestly surprised to see her here. But what caught my attention was that she was crying.

I quickly made my way over to her. When she saw me she bursts into tears. I hold her in my arms, rocking back and forth, trying my hardest to calm her down.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice quiet. She wipes at her eyes then looks to Laura and Mike (Craig's dad)

Laura signs as she looks down at her lap. Mike rubs her back. "We told your mother about you and Craig, but you're father didn't take kindly to it." My eyes widen. I look down at my mother then to Craig's parents. "Are you okay?" I ask my mother. She smiles up at me. "Yeah, your father just, he.." her voice started to tremble. "He-he hit me Ty-" I cut her off by getting up fast, she gasps. She tries to hold me back but I was stronger then her, I was stronger then everyone in this very room.

I started marching to the front door, yelling could be heard from behind me but I ignored it. But a new voice stopped me.

"What's going on?" He spoke. His voice was husky as he just woke up from his nap. I was still facing the door, my back towards them. My fists balled up so tight my knuckles started to turn white.

"Craig go back downstairs-" "No! What's going on? And where's Tyler?" His voice rings out. After that the room filled with silence, a very uncomfortable silence to say the least.

I felt a Presence behind me. I wasn't sure who it could be but I didn't need to know. "Tyler, please turn around." It was Craig. I sign, but I make no effort to do what he said. I heard him sign as well, more of a disappointing one. "Tyler-" He grabbed my hand but I ripped it out of his grasp causing him to gasp. I curse to myself for scaring him, but I couldn't help it. I grabbed the car keys and wallet and was out the door. Ignoring the calls of my name.

I have to deal with something first.

Craig's POV

My eyes were wide, I was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to turn my head, it was my mother. "I need to go after him." I say quietly. The grip on my shoulder tightens. "Just give him some space, he needs it." I sign and slowly make my way into the living room where Tyler's mother, Terra, sat.

I sit beside her, rubbing her back. "It's nice to see you again Craig." She spoke, a sweet smile planted on her face. I smile back as I hug her. "It's nice seeing you too. Now, tell me what happened."

They told me everything. I was shocked to say the least. I worried for Terra but then it all hit me. It had been a few hours now since Tyler left and he still wasn't back. I felt myself starting to panic.

"Mother, May I take your car to look for Tyler? It's been a few hours since he left and I'm starting to get wor-" "nonsense Honey, Of course you can." I smile as I get up and grab the keys to her car.

I kinda just sat there holding the steering wheel. There were tears in my eyes but I wiped them before they could roll down my cheeks. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

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