C h a p t e r 41

84 11 17

Craig's POV (hehe, 1.69k..... y'all know what I mean😂, ON WITH THE STORY!)

I parked the car and got out, making sure to lock it before walking away from it. I shove my hands in my pockets as I make my way towards the small crowd of people.

When they see me they walk over to me. Good thing I brought some of the makeup with me to cover up the bruise or else these people would never leave me alone about it.

There were about 10 people here, 7 girls and 3 boys. I smile at them as they fan girl and jump around.

We ended up spending most of the day together and I totally forgot about Tyler and his bitchy mood. I actually had a lot of fun with them, that is until I saw someone parking beside my car. I saw Tyler get out and start walking to me. I gripped the Starbucks cup tightly in my hands as I told the 2 girls that were still with me that I had to go. They waved goodbye to me as I started walking to Tyler.

He had this extremely scary face on which kinda worried me. We stopped in front of each other, about 3 feet between us. I sipped my coffee and looked up at him. He was wearing blue skinny jeans, a black tee and a dark green jacket. His hands were stuffed in his pockets well he looked over me. "What?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at him. He rolls his eyes and takes a step forward. "Why didn't you tell me you were going out for a meet and greet?" He asks, there was hurt lingering in his voice making me feel guilty. "Because you were acting bitchy." I rolled my eyes and took another sip from my coffee. "Excuse me?" His voice was raising. I stepped back from him. "You heard me." I said as I started walking away from him. I didn't want to fight in public, who does?

"Where are you going?" He asks as he starts following me. "Away from you." I replied. He gasped but kept following me. "You know you have to take my mother's car right?" I spoke, turning around to face him. He rolls his eyes and walks away from me. I sigh and get into the rented car.

On the way back to my parents house I got a call from Tyler, who was driving behind me. I roll my eyes but answer it, bringing the phone to my ear and tilting my head so I could Balance it between my ear and shoulder. "Craig-" "Tyler just drop it, we're not gonna fight when their around." With that I hung up, throwing my phone to the passenger seat.

(I'm just adding this because I want too)

I was going through a green light when some fucking asshole zoomed past me pretty much hitting the front of the car. I pounded on the breaks making the car stop with a screech of the wheels. I jerked forward almost flying out of my seat if I wasn't buckled in. I had stopped in the middle of the road and was gripping the steering wheel tightly. The guy went through a fucking red light and almost hit me! Well he did hit me, so now I'm even more pissed then I was before.

I looked in front of me and applied pressure to the gas pedal, speeding down the street away from what could have happened.

When I got home I quickly got out of the car and walked to the front, seeing the big fucking scratch. I kicked the car and cursed to myself before seeing my mother's car pull into the driveway.

Tyler quickly got out and ran over to me. He now stood beside me and looked at the car, seeing the scratch that I would need to pay for to get fixed. I cursed again and started walking into the house, Tyler following behind me.

My mother was cocking in the kitchen as I walked through the door. I kicked off my shoes and walked over to her.

"Tyler and I are kinda fighting at the moment." I whispered to her. She gave me a worried look. I took off my jacket and started helping her make dinner. She mouthed to me "are you okay?" To which I nodded. She smiled and we continued making dinner. I used my phone to play some music as we danced around the kitchen, laughing at each other and just having fun.


I was laying in the corner of my bed, booking a flight for me to leave. The earliest there was was 12 in the morning, today. I signed and paid for the ticket.

Tyler came out of the bathroom wearing a white tee and grey sweat pants. I wasn't going to change as I would be leaving in about 4 hours.

Tyler looked at me and sat on the edge of the bed. He signed but didn't look back at me.

"Are we not gonna talk about what happened earlier?" I sigh, seeing there was no way of escaping this. "What? Two things happened." I spoke back, not looking away from my phone, just like Tyler was doing earlier. "Both." He replies. "Well you were being a little moody bitch earlier and then I almost got into a car accident." I answered. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" He raises his voice. I chuckle as I place my phone beside me. "When Scott was here, all you did was go on your phone, you didn't even fucking take notice of me!" I replied, sitting up and looking over at him. "Oh am I supposed to give you all my fucking attention? You're not the queen Craig, so stop acting like it." Tyler spoke. He was now looking at me but standing at the edge of the bed.

"I never fucking asked." I replied, going back on my phone. "If anyone's being a bitch it's you." My mouth opens and a gasp escapes it. "Fuck you." I spoke quietly, hiding the hurt. "Fuck you Craig, you know honestly I wish I never fucking saw you that day at Starbucks. You're still the same clingy ass bitch I knew in high school."

I dropped my phone, my eyes widening as my mouth hangs open. I choke down a sob as I slowly get under the covers, not wanting to even look at him.

I just want to go home

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