C h a p t e r 9

125 18 9

Tyler's POV (didn't expect that did ya?)

It's been hours since Craig fell asleep in my lap, it was honestly kinda cute... I was going through Twitter when I heard a groan coming from below me, I moved my phone out of my face to see Mini waking up. "How'd you sleep?" I ask turning my phone off and giving him my full attention. "I slept great actually." He said smiling ear to ear, he had his arms covering his eyes. When he moved them he looked around and realized he still had his head in my lap and literally snapped up, almost falling off the couch if I hadn't caught him. "Wow there, calm down." Mini was now in my lap as my arms wrapped around his shoulders. He looked back at me with his eyes wide open, like an owl. "W-what happened?" He was now turned around facing me, my arms still around his shoulders. "You fell asleep in my lap for a few hours." He seemed a little shocked well saying a quick "oh."

"What time is it?" He asks as he moves away from me, making me feel sad for some reason. "It's 9 pm." He just nods his head well getting up off the couch. "I just had the best idea!" He blurts out, making me raise an eye brow at him. "And that is?" "We should make a video together! It can be anything, like doing a QnA or As I call it askmini." He seems really excited about this, I grin as I felt myself chuckle slightly. "Sure Mini." He jumps up and Down clapping his hands making me laugh. "Okay girly let's go." He pouts at my nickname but goes with it anyway.

We walk up the stairs to my recording room, it was honestly pretty big for just being a recording room. My desk along with my computers and chair were in the left corner of the room, there's was a nice fluffy grey carpet in the middle of the room taking up most of the floor space. There was a black couch in the right corner of the room along with a coffee table. There was some fanart hung around the room of me or me and the guys. It was very homey in here.

Mini sat on the couch as I went to my desk to grab a camera and a stand for it. Once I had grabbed them I placed them in front of the couch. I told Mini to make a Tweet saying to ask questions for us. As we waited for the questions to roll in we just talked about random shit. "Hey, remember that time in high school when you thought it would be a good idea to act gay for the day? Then for the rest of the year everyone thought you were actually gay?" I asked turning to look at him well chuckling, Mini just gave me a Death Star before laughing with me. "Yeah, That was a big mistake." We both chucked as we decided to start the video.

"Hey guys! I know I don't do this kinda of stuff but this guys made me." I say pointing to Mini who was sitting beside me. "Hey! You said you would!" Mini said pouting, I chuckled as I rolled my eyes at his dramatic self. "Anyways, we'll be doing a askmini as he likes to call them. So Let's get started!" I turn my attention to Mini as he went through a few questions. "What was you're guys favorite memory together as kids?" He reads the question out loud before turning to me. "What do you think Ty?" I blushed slightly at the nickname before going through my memories. "When we dyed our hair pink in grade 11, we were so drunk that night we didn't remember shit. We just woke up the next morning with Pink hair." Mini started laughing his ass off beside me as I joined in with him. "Holy shit I forgot about that!" Mini says wiping a tear from his eye. I chuckled as we went through a few more questions before one came up. "Can you guys do the yoga challenge?" Mini started blushing as he slowly looked over at me, I blushed slightly as I thought about it. "We'll make another video after this for you're channel." He nods his head slowly before going through more question.

"And that's all we have for tonight! Go check out this guy's channel below for the yoga challenge video!" I turn the camera off as Mini lets out a sign of relieve. "What? It wasn't that bad." He chuckles as he Lays his head on the arm of the couch. "We gonna do the yoga challenge or what?" He questions looking up at me, waiting for an answer. "Yeah, we gotta move some shit out of the way first." "Okay." Was all he said before getting off the couch, we started moving the couch to the other side of the room where my desk is. "There, you ready?" I ask tilting my head at him with my hands resting on my hips. "Yup!" I move to the camera turning it on. "What's up lads, it's Mini here with a very special video." He pulls me in view of the camera as I smile and wave. "This is Wildcat, we'll be doing the yoga challenge together!" He claps his hands together as he pulls out his phone and searches for poses.

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