C h a p t e r 10

163 18 12

Craig's POV

I don't know what was happening, Tyler was kissing me and I just told him that I've wanted to kiss him since high school.. which was 7 years ago. We were also still in the yoga pose which made it a little hard to kiss, but I didn't care. I started kissing him back realizing I hadn't yet. We melted into the kiss as I tilted my head to the side deepening the kiss. Tyler bit my bottom lip making me moan slightly, I started feeling myself grow weak as my arms grew tired, all of a sudden my arms gave out and I fell on the ground, hard. "Oh my god Craig are you okay?!" Tyler asks as he looks down at me, he was still in the plank pose as I was laying on the floor holding my head. "Owwwwwy." I whined, Tyler chuckled as I stopped moving around and just looked up at him. The way his beautiful blue eyes starred back into my green ones, the way his lips were a darker shade of pink from the kiss, the way his chest moved up and down ever so gracefully. I smiled up at him as he leaned down and gave me a quick peck, I giggled as He grinned down at me. "Hey ty?" "Yes?" He answered tilting his head at me in a cute way. "You know we'll still recording right?" His eyes go wide as I just start giggling more. "Holy shit I forgot!" I laughed more as Tyler got up from his plank and went to the camera turning it off. "What about the outtro?" "Eh, we're worried about it later, and I'll edit out the part where we kissed." I nod my head but feel myself growing sad, did Tyler feel embarrassed about the kiss? Oh god what if he didn't like it?! I literally told him I've wanted to kiss him since high school and that was SEVEN FUCKING YEARS AGO!! Oh god.. I could feel myself starting to Panic but I hid it from Tyler. I checked my phone to see it was 12 in the morning. "We should get to bed Tyler." He just nods his head as he leads me to the guest bedroom. I thank him before shutting the door and looking around the room.

The walls were a nice cream color, there was a queen size bed in the right corner of the room with Orange blankets and pillows. I smiled slightly seeing as that was my favorite color. The left side of the room Has a little desk with a few books on it. Beside me where I stood was a bathroom, it wasn't huge but it was super nice, Everything was super clean and white. I go into the bathroom and just look at myself in the mirror.

I feel my eyes start to burn as tears wanted so badly to escape, but I didn't let them. I couldn't cry in Tyler's house, I shouldn't be surprised he doesn't want to be with me, I mean.. who would? I kept asking myself these questions as I just starred at myself in the mirror, looking right at a mistake. I felt my breathing quicken as I lift up the sleeves of the hoodie I was wearing to show the many scars on my arms. I bring my hand up to my left arm, using my finger I slowly start traveling up my arm starting at the wrist to my elbow. It's been awhile since I last cut honestly, maybe a month now? I felt a watery like substance make it's way down my face so I look back up in the mirror to see I was crying. I started crying more as I look at myself, and what I've become. I'm not the Craig Everyone used to know, I'm not happy much anymore, I normally always fake everything I do just to make others happy. The only time when I was truly happy was when I was with Tyler.. but I think I ruined that.

I wipe my tears away as I slowly make my way to the bed, falling into it as I lay sideways and silently cry. I was so focused on my crying that I hadn't realize someone knocking on the door until it opened to reveal Tyler. I try to act like I was sleeping so he would leave me alone but it was kinda hard since I was shaking from holding in the tears.

"I know you're not sleeping." The voice came closer to me, I didn't move where I was. "I just couldn't sleep so I was wondering-" Tyler stopped mid sentence as he finally saw the state I was in. His Smiled turned into a frown quickly as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. I turn my body over so I was now laying on my back facing upwards, looking up at the ceiling. I slowly turn my head towards Tyler seeing the worry all over his face. "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper as if he spoke louder I would shatter. "Don't worry about it." I say turning my attention back to the ceiling. "I am gonna worry about it Craig, you're my best friend." "Is that all I am to you?" I ask turning my attention back to him, he seemed taken back by my question, eyes wide open like an owl. He slowly moved closer to me as I eyed his every move. He signs as he now laid down beside me, on his back, facing the ceiling. We both just kinda lay there, starring up at the ceiling, waiting for someone to say something. "I've had a crush on you since high school, since the first time I set my eyes on you, since the first time I heard you're smooth voice say my name. But I knew you were straight as can be, and probably still are.. when we graduated from high school and stopped talking I couldn't bare it, it hurt so much because no one talked to me. I got used to it over the years but I learned to fake everything I did, you know.. like the saying? Fake it till ya make it.. turns out I didn't get that far.." I moved my sleeve up showing him the many scars, he gasped as he looked between me and the cuts. His fingers traced every scar on my arm, until stopping at my wrist. "Craig... I don't know what to say.." I chuckle sadly as I turn my attention back to the ceiling. "I didn't expect you to say anything." I heard him sign sadly as he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together. I look over at him with my eyes going from our hands to his face. He brought my hand to his lips and planted a few soft kisses on them making my eyes go wide. "W-What are you doing?" I ask as he grins at me with sadness in his eyes. "It's kinda funny honestly." I felt myself growing angry as I ripped my hand out of his, he looked panicked as he then realized what he said. "Oh Nonono! I didn't mean that Craig, I meant that I've loved you since high school.." my eyes open as wide as they could go, my mouth hung open as I stayed where I was. "This is a joke isn't it?" Tyler looked at me with surprise as he pulled me towards his chest. "No Craig it's not, I've loved you from the start. I was just to scared to say anything because I didn't want to lose you." I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I hugged him back. "What do-does this mean then?" I ask pulling away from the hug to look at him. "It means I want to be with you." I smile at him as he smiles back, god this can't be happening right now. "Will you do me the favor of being my boyfriend Craig Thompson?" I blush seeing as he used my full name, but grinned ear to ear as I looked up at him.

"Of course Tyler Wilde."

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