C h a p t e r 20

87 13 6

Craig's POV

I felt a presents beside me as I woke up. Opening my eyes I turn slightly to the side seeing Tyler sitting on the edge of the bed, he doesn't seem to realize that I'm awake though so I stay quiet. "God I don't know if I love him, I don't want to ruin what we have.." My eyes went wide at this, I continued staying quiet though as he kept talking to himself. "I mean.. I think I love him... but again I don't know... god I'm so stupid I'm literally sitting here talking to myself about my feelings towards my lover... fuck I'm going crazy." He let his head fall into his hands as he tried pulling at his hair. "T-Tyler?" I speak, slowly sitting up as I rub my eye with one hand and steady myself with the other. Tyler whips his head at me as his eyes go wide. I look into his eyes seeing the panic in them. "Ty what's wrong?" I ask, my voice husky from just waking up. I grab my glasses from the nightstand finally being able to see. I look around the room seeing that it was dark, the only light coming from the moon through the window. I look back towards Tyler seeing the moon reflecting off his icy blue eyes making them turn a even lighter blue. He looks away from me to his hands, signing to himself. "Baby? You know you can tell me, right?" I ask, moving up behind him, guiding my hands down his chest slowly as I hug him from behind. "Yeah I know babe, I just don't want to mess this up.. you know?" He says. I feel myself nodding as I rest my head on his shoulder. He turns his head to look at me then pecks my lips quickly before grabbing me and laying back down in the bed. He pulls the covers over us as he turns to face me. "Can I ask something?" He asks. "Of course Ty." I say back giving him a warm smile. "What made you start liking me?" I was taken back by the question, having not expecting it. "Well for one you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." Tyler chuckles as he pulls me closer to him. He rests his head on my shoulder as I bring my hands up to play with his hair. "What else?" Tyler asks, I could feel him smiling into my neck as he moved his hand up and down my side. "How much you cared about others. You were always putting everyone else before yourself, no matter what." Tyler hums into my neck as I continue playing with his hair. "I know there's more." Tyler says causing me to chuckle softly.

"Being close to you always brought butterflies to my stomach, anytime you would look at me I would blush, every-time I heard your voice my heart melted, whenever our hands would brush against each other or our skin made contact I would get goosebumps. When we graduated I was hoping we would continue being friends but you left me.. we just stopped talking and I never knew or understood why.." I felt myself growing sad making Tyler move his head up from my shoulder to look at me. "I m-missed you so much Ty.. you have no idea." By now I was crying as I hugged Tyler tightly in my arms, not wanting to let go. "Craig.. I'm so sorry I did that to you..." I felt him wipe a tear from my cheek, then kissed it. "What time is it?" I ask trying to change the subject. "2 in the morning." "Can we go for a walk? Along the beach?" I ask, looking at Tyler waiting for him to answer. "Sure." I giggle as I get up out of the bed and quickly grab a black hoodie from the dresser. Tyler already has his pink one on as we quietly left our room and went downstairs to the front door, then left.

Walking along the beach at 2 in the morning was honestly a lot better then I thought. Tyler and I walked hand in hand as we listened to the sound of the waves. "Craig?" I turn my head towards Tyler, humming softly in response to him. "I love you." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned my whole body towards Tyler. "What?" I ask, not believing him. "I love you." I let go of his hand as my eyes started watering. "Tyler..." Tyler came over to me, grabbing both my hands and holding them tightly in his. "Craig I mean it. I love you so fucking much, you mean everything to me and I don't ever want to lose you." Tyler pressed his forehead against mine as he interlocked our fingers, fitting them together perfectly.

"I-I don't know what to say." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. "You don't have too, I'm always gonna be here for you. As friends or more." Tyler says. I sobbed out as I smiled, holding Tyler's hand tightly in mine. "I love you too you idiot." I giggle at the end as Tyler laughs out. He picks me up by the waist and spins me around causing me to laugh out with him.

Tyler puts me down but keeps his hands on my waist. "I love you." I say, causing Tyler to smile ear to ear. "I love you too." I smile as well then pull away from him, taking my shoes off and pulling the bottom of my jeans up to my thighs. "This again?" Tyler asks as we both chuckle. "Why not?" I ask as I step in, feeling the cool water touch my skin. Tyler comes and stands beside me as we walk to our knees. "I'm not going any further then this because last time we didn't have any towel and we still don't." I say as Tyler grabs my hand, holding it in his. "There's a beach house right there." Tyler says pointing behind us towards the house we were staying in. "Yeah well I don't like being cold, it's something I hate." Tyler chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist and chuckles softly. "I know Craig, I never forgot." We both share a laugh at the memory.

Flashback (third point of view)

"Craig! Come on it's not THAT cold!" Tyler yells at Craig as the two share a laugh. The two were hanging out at Craig's house but Craig wouldn't move from his warm spot in his bed, blankets wrapped around his cold body. "It's fucking cold bitch!" Craig yells back causing Tyler to laugh. Craig would always be wearing a sweater/hoodie, no matter what situation, and it wasn't just to hide his cuts, it was because he was always cold. "I thought we were gonna hang out?" Tyler asks as he sits on the edge of the bed facing Craig. "Why don't you join me?" Craig offers as he opens up the blanket for Tyler to join. Tyler just smiles as he climbs over to Craig and lays down beside him. Craig wraps the blankets around both their bodies now as Tyler turns on the TV, putting riverdale on. (Love that show^^^) "It is very warm." Tyler speaks as he faces Craig. "See what I mean?" Craig says as the two share a laugh together then start watching the TV for the rest of the time they hung out. (They were in grade 11 at The time)

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory as Tyler kissed my head. "Almost every-time we hung out you would always try to find every blanket in the house. My mother had to buy you a blanket for when you came over because you would take everyone we had in the house." Tyler says well chuckling. "I think my mother actually still has that blanket." Tyler spook again. "Really?" I ask turning my head to look at him. "Yup, you know.. she really misses you." Tyler says looking at me. I felt my heart melt at this, I missed his family so much. They treated me like one of their own and I loved it. My family did the same with Tyler, they loved him. "Mine misses you too." I say as I take a step back, confusing Tyler. "I just had the best idea!" "Oh yeah? What's that?" Tyler asks, chuckling and raising an eyebrow. "After we go back home from the beach house we should have a reunion!" I smile ear to ear as I look at Tyler, waiting for him to answer. "Sure Min." He chuckles as I feel myself becoming cold. "I'm getting out, it's cold." I say as I step out of the water, the sand sticking to my feet as I walk across it. "We're gonna have to shower or something to get the sand off." Tyler says as he comes to stand beside me. "Or I could run a small bath to put our feet in, since that's the only place where sand is." "Yeah that sounds like a better idea." Tyler says as we both chuckle. "Then let's go!" I say grabbing his hand and running back towards the house.

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