C h a p t e r 16

103 15 8

Craig's POV

After we ate dinner Jon and I did the dishes well the others set up a game of Mario kart on the Wii U. Once Jon and I were done we met the others in the living room as Tyler, Marcel, David, and Lui were playing a round of Mario kart. "MARCEL YOU FUCKING CUNT SUCKING BITCH!" Tyler yells causing everyone else in the room to start laughing. I was leaning on Jon as the rest of the guys were holding their stomachs. Tyler was now in last as Marcel passed him. "Later Sucker!" Marcel says getting chuckles from some of us. I walk over to Tyler putting my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them like I was giving him a massage. All the anger from his body seemed to disappear as I kept doing this. David finished first then Lui, Marcel came in third meaning Tyler got last. "IF MARCEL WASN'T SUCH A DUMB FUCKING CUNT I WOULD HAVE WON!" Tyler yells throwing a pillow towards Marcel, hitting him in the face. "Bitch what the fuck?" Marcel says making us laugh. "Bitch shut the fuck up before I come over there and beat your ass." Tyler states as I sit beside him on the couch.

Next it was Tyler, me, Evan, and Jonathan playing. And as most of you know I'm very bad at this game. As soon as the race started I already had fucked up, I wasn't paying attention and didn't start moving until Tyler told me too. I was in last as Tyler was in first. I turned a corner as I got one of the box thingys. It gave me a blue shell causing a smirk to make it's way to my face. I let it go as it heads towards Tyler. "woah woah woAH WHAT THE FUCK WHO DID THAT?!" He shouts as everyone passes him, even me. I giggle causing Tyler who was beside me to look at me. "You son of a bitch." I giggle again as we finish the race with Tyler yet again coming in last. "This is bullshit." Tyler says throwing his arms back and falling back into the couch. Everyone chuckles as Evan gets up. "Does anyone wanna help me start the fire?" He asks. David, Lui and Brian get up saying they would as they go outside. I go upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I walk into the room closing the door behind me as I go over to the closet. Yes I know that's where Tyler's clothes are but that's why I'm over here. I spot a teal blue hoodie that says Wildcat on the back of it. I smile to myself as I grab it and start taking off my clothes. I pull the hoodie over my head and fix it once over head my. I brush myself off as I look into a body mirror that we had in the room. I giggle as I grab a random pair of black jeans that had rips on the knees and slipped them on, checking myself out again after slipping them on.

I heard the door to the room open meaning someone was coming in. I look behind me to see a smirking Tyler eyeing me, or checking me out. He closes the door behind him as he walks over to me. "You know the guys are gonna question why you keep wearing my shit." I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I rest my hands on his upper arms, feeling his muscles through his t-shirt. He chuckles at my actions as he rubs small circles into my back. "You're cute, you know that?" I blush as I look up at him, starring into his icy blue eyes. I giggle softly as he brings one of his hands to my cheek, I lean into his touch as he smiles down at me. He lightly grabs the back of my head bringing it to his lips as he places a soft kiss to my forehead. You know, Tyler can be super sweet when he wants to be. "We should go back downstairs before they start thinking shit." I say as I grab his face and bring him towards mine, his soft lips meet mine as they start moving in perfect sync. Tyler tilts his head to the side deepening the kiss as he pulls me closer to him with the arm wrapped around my waist well the other was on my cheek. He pulls away from the kiss as he starts placing soft kisses down my jaw to my neck. I giggle from the feeling as he continues kissing and nipping lightly on my neck until he gets to one spot that makes my breath stop, he seems to notice this as he starts nipping at that one spot making me moan lightly. "T-Tyler st-stop, the g-guys." I can feel Tyler smirk on my neck as he sucks harder making me whimper, my knees bucking (Don't know if that's the right way to say that) slightly making it hard to stand. Tyler then pulls away with a smirk from one ear to the other planted on his face. I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror and I almost started screaming. There, on my neck, was a dark purple/blue bruise/hickey forming just above my shoulder blend. I could hear Tyler laughing his ass off in the other room as I stomp my way out of the bathroom and back over to Tyler who was now sitting on the edge of the bed holding his stomach. "Fuck you." I say. He looks over to me still chuckling to himself as I walk over to him. "Now everyone knows you're mine, and mine only." I blush as he pulls me on top of him, now sitting in his lap with my thighs on either side on him. "We should really go back to the guys Ty, we can do this later." Tyler falls backwards with his arms spend out as I stayed on his hips/lap. "Come on." I say as I get off him and hold my hand out for him to grab. He signs loudly as he takes my hand. I pull him up off the bed but Tyler gets the idea of almost falling on me. I caught him though but with all his weight on me I pretty much fall to the ground. Tyler chuckles as he gets off me and helps me up. I dust myself off using my hands as Tyler and I finally leave our room and go outside where everyone else was. But I make sure that the hickey couldn't be seen before going outside.

Tyler opens the door for me letting me step out first, I thank him as I start looking around. The backyard was pretty much all sand besides for the first few steps you take well walking out of the house. The fire pit was in the middle with towels and chairs around it. The house was literally on the beach so you could see the ocean in the distance. The sound of laughter and waves could be heard as Tyler and I made our way towards the fire where everyone else was. "What the hell took you two so long?" Brian asks as he roasts a marshmallow. "Tyler didn't want to get out of the bed." I say pointing behind me at Tyler, I could hear him sign as he and I walk over to a pink towel on the ground. We both sit on it as Evan hands Tyler a stick so we could roast some marshmallows. "Nice sweater Mini." Brock says causing me to blush. "It's comfortable okay." Everyone chuckles as Tyler puts two marshmallows on his stick. "We should play a game." Tyler says catching everyone's attention. "Like what?" Jonathan asks as he sits close beside Evan. "The word game?" "What the fuck is that?" I ask making everyone turn to me. "You don't know what the word game is?" Evan asks. I felt embrassed as I look around at everyone. "Okay well someone says a word then the person next to them says another word that goes with the word they said. You kinda just make a story by only saying one word." Tyler says from beside me. "Oh okay then." Tyler chuckles as he gives me one of his charming smiles causing me to blush. "Okay so whose going first?" Evan asks looking around at everyone. "I will!" Lui yells raising his hand in the air well using his kid voice causing us to laugh. "Okay Lui take it away." Evan says looking towards him. "Once." We look at David who was beside him, waiting for him to continue the story. "Upon." (I'm just gonna say this cause it's confusing as fuck to type out. Lui starts it then David, Marcel, Brian, Brock, Luke, Jonathan, Evan, Tyler, then Craig.) "A" "Time." "There" "Was" "A" "cunt." Some of us chuckle at Evan's word as everyone looks at Tyler. "That" "Cunt" "Loved" "Cock" "David!" We all yelled causing the rest of us to laugh. "Come on keep it going!" Evan yells moving his hand in a keep going motion. "And." "Okay who the fucks starts a sentence with and?" I ask causing giggles to go around the circle of 10 people. "Whatever keep going." Evan says rolling his eyes as he rests his hand behind him, holding him up from falling. "This" "Cunt" "Was" "Gay" Jonathan giggled as he leaned against Evan. "uh Tyler?" Brock spook catching Tyler's attention. "hmm?" He hums as he raises a eyebrow towards him. "You're marshmallows are burning." He says pointing to the now black and on fire marshmallows. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Tyler yells as he grabs the end of the stick bringing it out of the fire. He blows on them heavily putting the fire out. He chuckles as he looks at me and moves the stick holding the now burned marshmallows on them towards me. "Want one?" He asks. I giggle but give him a look as if I was calling him crazy. "No I'm good." "Fine then, more for me." He says causing me to chuckle lightly. He grabs the black marshmallow and takes it off the stick, bringing it to his lips and placing the whole thing in his mouth. "What the fuck Tyler?!" Marcel speaks as he covers his eyes. "What? It's good!" Tyler talks with his mouth full of the disgusting marshmallow. "Oh my god don't talk with your mouth full! Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" I ask as the guys start ouuuuuy at me from the slight roast. "Mini's going all out boys!" Jonathan yells causing the others to laugh. I chuckle softly as I go to grab the stick that Tyler used to make my own marshmallow. What I didn't know was that I wasn't grabbing the handle, I was going to grab the top part of it where you would normally put the marshmallow but it was to late for me. "AHH! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK OW!" I yell, throwing the stick elsewhere as I hold my now brunt hand. "Oh my god Craig! Are you okay?" Tyler, who was beside me asks as he pulls me towards him, hugging me. "Yeah I'm fine just a little burn." Jonathan comes over to us and makes a hand motion of give me your hand, so I do. He holds it in his hands, he opens up my hand so my palm was visible. Gasps were heard from around me as I look to see blood pouring out of a deep cut in the middle of my palm. "Here, come inside with me and I'll fix it." I just nod well getting up. I give Tyler along with the rest of the guys a little wave with my good hand as Jonathan brings me inside.

This one was a long one lol. 2041 words to be exact. I hope you guys enjoyed it cause I've been spending the last hour fucking hours straight writing this. Leave a like and comment what you think or if you see any mistakes. Peace!

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