C h a p t e r 13

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Craig's POV

The walk back was nice, the stars were out as it was nearing 10 o'clock. This time on our walk back Jonathan switched with Tyler so now Tyler is beside me and Jonathan is up with Evan. It was getting kinda of cold outside so I brought my hands up to my upper arms, rubbing them to keep warm. "Are you cold?" I heard Tyler ask making me turn my head towards him. "A little." I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulders pulling me a little closer to him. I blushed slightly as I  just let him do what he wanted. "Is this better?" He asks turning his head towards me, smiling. "Yeah, but don't you think this is a little much?" I ask. My voice just above a  whisper so the others wouldn't hear. "Nah, I'm just making sure you're warm. What's so bad about that?" "Nothing is Ty, just don't want them finding out yet." He chuckles as he moves closer to my ear. "You know, Evan and Jon are dating?" He whispers. I feel myself giggle as I turn my head to look into his icy blue eyes. "Yeah, Jon told me. I'm guessing Evan told you?" I cock an eye brow at him as he chuckles. "Yeah, he knows about us." "Yeah Jon knows too." He just hums as we now stand in front of the beach house. "Okay everyone get some rest I Have big plans for tomorrow!" Evan yells causing some of us to laugh. We all say goodnight to each other before going to our rooms. 

Tyler locks the door as I flop myself onto the bed. Tyler comes over sitting on the edge of the bed. He takes off his flannel and as he was about to throw it somewhere in the room I made grabby hands towards it causing Tyler to cock an eye at me. "You want this?" I just nod my head making Tyler chuckle. He throws it at me as I giggle. I quickly go into the bathroom and take all my clothes off, but leaving my boxers on of course. I take Tyler's pink flannel and put it on, I button it up and look in the mirror. It goes down just above my ass making me giggle. I open the door to see Tyler wearing a orange pair of sweat pants and no shirt. As he looks over at me I notice his eyes go down my body then back up, making me giggle as I walk over to him. "You're definitely the girl in this relationship." I cross my arms pouting as Tyler just chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me towards him. "What? You saying you don't like the attention?" He asks raising his eye brow at me as I blush and look away from him. I feel my chin being turned back towards him then feel his lips on mine. I yelp in surprise but quickly kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. Tyler smiles into the kiss causing me to pull away. "What?" I ask as he just keeps smiling. "Well it's just, I never thought I be able to do that with you." I raise an eye brow at him, confused on what he meant. "Kissing you Craig, being with you like this. It feels amazing." I blush a dark shade of red causing Tyler to laugh. 

All of a sudden Tyler's happy face turns into a sad one. "Ty what's wrong?" My voice is filled with worry as he just looks at me. He then rests his head on my shoulder, tightening his grip on me. "Ty please tell me." I speak as my hands find their way to his hair, playing with it. "Don't leave me Craig." My eyes go wide as I feel him start to shake. I grab his head from my shoulder seeing the tears welling up in his icy blue eyes. I bring our heads together, resting them on each other as we begin breathing the same air. I can hear Tyler's shaky breathes as he closes his eyes, holding in the tears. "Tyler you don't have to hold them in, I'm not going to judge you." Right after I said that he started crying, causing me to pull him close. "Shh shh it's okay I'm not going anywhere Ty." We just stood there holding each other as he cried. "I-I'm sorry C-Craig." He pulls his head away from mine as he opens his eyes, a tear rolling down the side of his face. "Babe it's okay." I say wiping the tear away. I leave my hand on his cheek as he leans into my touch. He brings his hand up holding mine in place. He smiles at me as we walk to the bed. 

"What do you think Evan has planned for us tomorrow?" I catch myself asking. Tyler moves his body so that he is facing me. "Eh, it's Evan we're talking about. He always plans fun things." I hum in response as I move closer to Tyler. "Also, you look fucking adorable in my flannel." I giggle as I feel him place soft kisses on my forehead. "Goodnight Mini." "Goodnight Ty." And with that we both fell asleep in each others arms. 

Hello! I'm sorry that this chapter isn't as long as they usually are but this is just a cute one for y'all! Comment what you think and make sure to like it! Tell me if anything seems out of place, Peace!

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