C h a p t e r 43

87 12 16

Craig's POV

It's been a few days now since I've been staying at Jonathan's. Tyler was now back in town, according to his snapchat story he had landed last night.

I walked into the living room and plumped down beside Jonathan who was on his phone sitting on the couch. "Do you remember you're first fight with Evan?" I ask, tilting my head over to Jonathan. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow before chucking. "Of course I do. Why are you asking?" I Hmm and think about it. "Honestly I'm not sure, was it bad?" I ask, looking back at him. "What? The fight?" "Yeah." "Eh, I guess it was because it was our first fight, but in the end we both agreed that it was silly." I Hmm again before knocking was heard from the door. "I'll get it." Jonathan says as he gets up. I nod and bring out my phone to play some games.

"Tyler?" My eyes shot open. What the hell was he doing here? Does he know I'm here? I was sure I didn't tell anyone, is he looking for me? I kept asking myself these questions as I sunk deeper into the couch, making sure my head could not be seen.

"Have you seen Craig? I'm worried sick about him. He isn't at his house." He's worried about me? I thought he didn't want me anymore? "No I haven't, Why did something happen between you two?" Jonathan asked, acting dumb. I thanked him in my mind as I continued listening to their conversation. "Yeah, we had our first fight in the UK and I latched out on him when he was mentally unstable. I feel super bad and I-I don't know what to do." It sounded like he was about to start crying, oh my god what have I done?!

"Well uh, I don't know what to tell ya Tyler. Here why don't you come in the kitchen for a sec well I go grab my phone from the living room and call him." What the fuck is he doing!? "O-okay." Tyler stuttered. I heard the door close and footsteps coming from behind me.

I felt Jonathan's hands on my shoulders making me look up at him. "He's worried Craig, you two need to talk it out. Either you do it here or your place." He whispers, I sigh. "My place, just get him out of here so I can leave." He nods at me then goes back into the kitchen. I didn't have to hide in the couch as there was a wall between the kitchen and living room.

"I just called Craig, he said he'll call you soon. So you should go." They talked for a bit longer before Jonathan had Tyler out the door. I sighed heavily as Jonathan came into view. He blew a piece of hair out of his face and crossed his arms.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you, I owe you big time for this." I said as Jonathan and I stood beside my car. "No problem Craig, that's what best friends are for. Don't feel bad for calling me if you ever need anything okay?" I smile and hug him, he chuckles and hugs back. "Okay." I replied as I pulled away from him and got into my car.

I honked at him as I drove by him as he waved.

Let's just get this over with.

I groan loudly as I put the car into park and turn it off. I get out and grab my suitcase and walk up to my front door. Juggling my keys trying to find the right one. Once I did I unlocked the door and walked in, smelling that homey smell my house always had.

I placed my suitcase beside the door and closed it. I pull out my phone and go to Tyler's contact. I tap the call button then bring it up to my ear.

"Craig? Baby where are you?" He asks, his voice filled with worry. "My place." With that I hung up. I knew wherever he was he would probably be here in the next 30 seconds.

I was leaning against the wall with my left foot pressed on the wall when the front door opened revealing Tyler. I put my phone in my back pocket and look to him. He spots me and literally drops everything he was holding, which was just the keys. "Hey Ty.." I spoke, my voice quiet and soft. He didn't say anything, he ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me towards his chest. He lets out a shaky breath beside my ear as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'm so sorry Craig, I didn't mean those things I love you. I don't want you to leave, please don't leave me." Tyler pleaded. I pulled away from him causing him to look down at me. "I'm sorry too." I say, grabbing his hand and interlocking it with mine. "Where were you?" He asks causing me to look at him from our hands. "Jon's." I replied. "Wait I was just there, were you there?" I slowly nod my head, frowning. "So you heard us?" Again I nod. He sighs and pulls me towards his chest with his arm, the other staying in my hand. "I'm just happy I have you back." He says. I smile and lean into him, already missing the sweet smell he had.

Tyler looks at my suitcase that were at the door then back to me. "Want some help?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I smile and nod as I walk over to it and grab it, going upstairs with Tyler behind me.

"I think I'm gonna dye my hair back to blonde." I spoke as I folded my clothes nicely on the bed well Tyler hung some shirts in the closet. "Why? I like the pink. It suits you." Tyler makes a face at me causing me to giggle. "Oh shut up." I reply. We both laugh as my phone rings. I walk over to it seeing Jon was calling me. I smile and press the answer button before bringing it to my ear. "Yes?" I say into the phone as I press it between my shoulder blade and neck. "How did the talk go?" He asks. I look behind me at Tyler and smile. "Good, he's helping me put things away." Tyler turned around and looked me. I mouthed "Jonathan" to him making him nod and go back to hanging clothes in the closet. "Okay good, that's all I called about, have fun!" With that he hung up. I sigh and throw my phone on the bed and continue folding my clothes.

Arms wrapped themselves around my waist making me giggle. "Ty what are you doing?" I question as he rests his head on my shoulder. "Loving you, got a problem?" I laugh and shake my head. "Of course not." He chuckles and kisses my cheek. "Come on, we're almost done." I say pushing him away from me using my butt. He chuckles and slaps my ass making me yelp and rub it. I glare at him making him laugh.

After we finish we both go downstairs and cuddle on the couch watching a random movie. We weren't paying attention to it, just each other and exploring each other's mouths. I giggled in between kisses causing Tyler to groan. We pulled away from each other, panting heavily. "I'm tired." I said. "Then go to sleep, I'm not going anywhere." I giggle as he kisses my nose. "Okay, goodnight, I love you." I smiled at him as he laid on top of me. "I love you too, night."


There may be a slight chance that I will be getting my phone taken away so If that does happen I won't be updating for awhile. This is just a warning, for if I stop updating people know why. This is also why I'm posting a chapter earlier then I normally do.

Hope you are all having a great day.

Yeet yeet out ✌️

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