C h a p t e r 18

87 13 5

Craig's POV

It was still dark outside when I woke up. I felt the presents of someone beside so I look to see Tyler sound asleep. I smile lightly as I grab my phone from the nightstand. "6:30" I spook quietly. I look around at my surroundings seeing pants and shirts on the floor. I remove the blanket from myself as I slowly get out of bed, being mindful of my hand of course. I knew Tyler was a deep sleeper so I didn't have to worry about waking up him, but I still had to worry about the others. I tip-toe my way over to the dresser, pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans. I slip them on then grab my phone and a sticky note. "I went for a walk to Starbucks. Text me when you get up"  I took the sticky note off of the others and placed it on Tyler's phone, knowing that would be the first thing he would probably grab. I kiss his forehead then walk quietly out of the room. I walk down the hallway quietly as to not wake up the others. Once I get to the front door I open it ever so quietly then walk out, closing it behind me.

I sign to myself as I breath in the fresh morning air. The sun was just coming up making the sky turn dark blue/purple/orange/pink. I quickly walked to Starbucks, got my coffee, then walked back to the house. I check the time seeing that it was only 7, signing to myself since I didn't want to go back inside I decided to walk along the beach.

The sound of the waves meeting the sand could be heard as I walked along side the ocean line, Birds singing their beautiful songs as they fly by. I held my coffee with my good hand, bringing it up to my lips and taking a sip. "Craig?" I hear a female voice speak. I turn my head around to see Natalie wearing a white sweater with black skinny jeans and blue runners. "Hey Natalie." I greet, turning my attention back to the ocean. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "I'm staying with Evan and the others for a few weeks in his beach house." I say pointing my head towards the beach house. Her eyes follow then go wide at the sight of it. "Holy fuck that's nice." She spook. I chuckled slightly well taking another sip of my coffee. "What happened to your hand?" My eyes go down to my wrapped up hand, I sign as I look to her. "Last night we were having a fire and I burned myself." "Are you okay?" I smile at her worries. "Yeah I'll be fine." She just hums as we both turn to face the ocean. "It's beautiful isn't it?"She says. I chuckle softly well taking a sip from my coffee. "It truly is." I speak. "Isn't that Wildcat's sweater?" She asks. I could feel heat creeping it's way to my cheeks as I try and hide my face. "Y-yes it is." I stutter. She giggles softly as I turn my head to look at her. "Are you and Ty dating?" My face goes completely red making her full on laugh. "M-maybe." I say. "Don't worry, I won't say a word." I smile at her as I feel my phone going off. I pull it out of my pocket to see that Tyler was calling me. Weird, I thought I told him to text me when he gets up. I pushed that thought aside as I answered the phone, raising it up to my ear. "Hello?" I speak softly as Natalie looks at me. "Craig? Where are you?" Tyler's worried voice fills my ear. "I'm kinda outside the beach house, I thought I told you to text me when you woke up?" Natalie keeps making funny faces at me causing me to laugh. "Who are you with this early in the morning?" Tyler seems to be getting angry, I stop my giggling as does Natalie. "I'm with a friend, we bumped into each other well walking along the beach." All of a sudden Tyler hangs up the call causing me to pull the phone away from my ear. "What was that about?" Natalie asks. "I don't know, Tyler called asking where I was then asked if I was with anyone, then hung up." "Hmm, weird." She says causing me to chuckle. "I wouldn't worry about it Craig." I nod my head as we start walking along side the beach, chatting with each other until we heard another pair of footsteps. We look behind us to see Tyler running over to me wearing a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. He stops in front of us as I slowly stand in front of Natalie. "What are you doing here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "I didn't know who you were with." I turn my body around to face Natalie making her look up at me. "I think you should go, I'll text you later though k?" I say. She nods her head then gives me a hug then runs off.

I sign to myself as I turn back around to face my boyfriend. "Do you trust me?" I ask. I take another sip from my coffee as I look at Tyler. "Of course I do, why would you ask that?" I roll my eyes as I start walking again, stopping to look behind to see if Tyler was following. "You coming or what?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at him. He shakes his head before jogging over to me. "Are you gonna answer my question?" He asks. "I only asked because when I told you I was with a friend you hung up the phone and came out here. Which made me think that you don't trust me." His eyes go wide a bit as we stop walking. I look out into the ocean seeing the once dark blue sky turn light. "I was just worried." I chuckle as I felt Tyler wrap an arm around my waist. "You seem to worry a lot." I say giggling afterwards. "Only because you mean so much to me." I blush slightly as he kisses my forehead. "We should be heading back now, don't want the others waking up to find out we're not there." Tyler says. I nod my head as he grabs my good hand interlocking his fingers with mine. I smile at him as we start our walk back to the beach house.

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