C h a p t e r 40

82 11 7

Craig's POV

It was now 8 am and for them it was like 11 so we decided to call it a night, for them.

Once we left the call Tyler immediately pushed the chair back causing it to roll away from the desk. He pulled me closer to him and shoved his face into my shoulder causing me to laugh. "Tyler what the fuck are you doing?" I ask. "I'm trying to make sure you feel safe." I smile, knowing he cares for me and my safety. "I always feel safe when I'm with you." I reply. He chuckles and pulls away from my shoulder. "We should make breakfast, yesterday was rough for everyone. It's the least we can do for now." Tyler says. "Alright." I reply well getting off him.

(I'm only adding this for shits and giggles)

As I was walking towards the door I hit my knee on the edge of the dresser. "MOTHER FUCKER YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH!" I yelled well holding my knee. Tyler turned around and looked at me. He started laughing which made me feel worse. "Are you just gonna sit there and laugh at me or help me?" He calms down and comes over to me. I place my arm around his shoulders as he wraps his arm around my waist to steady me. What catches me off guard is when he lifts me off the ground causing me to yelp and wrap my other arm around his neck. He was carrying me bridal style, god fucking damn it. I give him a glare which causes him to laugh and almost drop me. "Tyler! You fucking drop me and you won't hear the end of it!" I yell as he bends over with me in his arms which causes me to hold on tighter. "Jesus Mini, calm the fuck down." He says between laughs. I roll my eyes and wait for him to calm down. "Whatever let's just go." I say. He gets up with me still in his arms and makes his way upstairs.

(End of shits and giggles😂)

He places me on the counter in the kitchen and goes to the fridge. He moves some things around before grabbing milk and closing the door. He grabs pancake mix from the cabinet then looks at me. I raise my eyebrow at him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask. "Making pancakes of course." I chuckle. "Uh do you know how to make pancakes?" I ask. My voice trembling from holding in my laughter. He turns to me fully and cocks a eyebrow. "Yes, if I didn't why would I make them?" I couldn't help but laugh. I push myself off the counter and walk over to him. I grab the box and read through the instructions then point my finger to the ingredients.

"You don't use milk to make pancakes dummy." I giggle as I put the milk back in the fridge. Tyler had a slight blush to his cheeks making me laugh. "Who's laughing now bitch?" I say well grabbing a pan and a bowl to mix the pancake mix in. "Shut up." He said quietly. I chuckle as I started mixing. Once done I heated the pan and started making the pancakes.

As I waited for them to cook I went through Twitter on my phone. I saw a lot of fan-art of Tyler and I which made me smile. I liked one of them then continued going through it until I heard the ding from the timer meaning the pancakes were ready. I turned off the heat and placed the pancakes on a plate, or a few plates considering I made like 13.

"Hey Ty, mind giving me a hand?" I ask. "Yeah." He replies before I hear him get up and walk over to me. He takes two of the plates and places them on the dinner table. I place the one I had beside them then start setting the table.

"This is exactly why you're the girl in the relationship." Tyler says out of nowhere. I stop what I'm doing immediately and turn to him, seeing him smirking to himself. "Did you seriously just say that?" I raise my eyebrow at him as he chuckles. "Yeah, but you know I love you." He says well smiling at me. I can't help but giggle and smile back.

"Okay you go wake up you're mother and I'll wake up my parents." Tyler nods his head and goes upstairs. I follow but go to my parents bedroom door and lightly knock, hearing a soft "come in" from my mother. I slowly open the door seeing her sitting up in the bed well father was still laying down. "I made breakfast for you guys." I spoke softly, giving them a smile. "Oh honey you didn't have too." My mother says as she gets up. "It was Ty's idea." "Of course it was, he always wanted to make breakfast anytime he slept over." I chuckle at the memories. "We'll be down in about 10 minutes." "Okay." I reply before closing the door and walking back downstairs.

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