C h a p t e r 44

60 11 8

Tyler's POV (hehe) (Play when said)

It was still dark outside when I awoke from my sleep. I looked down at Craig sleeping soundly making me smile. I kissed his forehead and got off him.

Stumbling, I made my way over to my jacket that was sitting on the stool in front of the counter. I search through the pockets until my hand lands on the carton of cigarettes.

I grabbed them and my lighter and made my way outside into Craig's backyard. I sat down in the swinging bench he had. Placing the cigarette between my lips and lighting it. I take a breath in then out, seeing the smoke empty out of me.

I flick the end of the cigarette as I hear the door open. My head shoots up to see Craig rubbing his eyes and leaning against the doorframe.

I was totally fucked.

Once he looks at me he spots the smoke in my hand. His eyes open wide. "Why?" Oh god, I feel bad. I sigh as he comes and sits beside me, swinging his legs over the side. "When?" He asks again, looking over at me. I drop the cigarette and stomp on it with my foot.

"It started when you left, I hated myself for what I did to you and taking out my anger on you was not okay. That along with my Father being in jail really stressed me out. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was just happy that I had you back." Craig just sighed and lent his head on my shoulder. "It's okay, I understand why you would go to such as smoking. You've been through a lot." I hum and wrap my arm around his shoulders pulling him closer to me.

"What time is it?" I ask looking over at him. He pulls out his phone then puts it back. "5 am." I nod and kiss the side of his head.

"Hey baby?" He turns his head to me and raises a brow. "I need to go." His face turns to worried. "Why? It's five in the morning." He questions. I sigh and pull him closer to me. "I have a surprise for you that I need to prepare." He looks up at him with a confused face. "Is it really gonna take you that long that you have to leave now?" "Yes." I reply well getting up.

A hand grabbing my wrist stops me from going any further, I look over at Craig who was gripping my wrist tightly. "Please stay." He pleads. I sigh and sit down beside him again. "Fine, I'll stay till after breakfast." He hums and interlocks our fingers together. I smile down at our hands then back at his face. I lean down and kiss his soft lips, he melts into the kiss as I tilt my head to the side, deepening the kiss.

We pull away from each other with a smile. "Why don't we go to the beach and watch the sunrise?" I ask, his face brightens up as he nods. I chuckle and get up, dragging him with me. "Wait we need to change." He says. I turn around seeing he was wearing grey sweats and a white tee. I was still wearing the clothes I was wearing yesterday. "We're just going to the beach." I reply walking into the house, leaving Craig outside. He walks in then closes the door. "I'm still changing." He says well going upstairs. I roll my eyes as I bring out my phone and go onto Twitter.

I look back up when I hear footsteps to see Craig wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a pink hoodie with the words "wildcat" printed on the front. I glare at him as he giggles and hugs me. "What? It's cute!" He exclaims. I chuckle and grab the keys to my car and drag him out the front door. He locks the door and we walk over to my car. I open the passenger door for him making him smile and thank me. I get into the drivers seat and turn the keys turning the car on.

(Part two of shits and giggles)

"Wait!" Craig suddenly yells making me press hard on the break pedal. We both jerk forward as I turn to him. "What?!" I shout. "My god Tyler, I was just gonna ask if we could get Starbucks." I swear I groaned so loud people outside the car could hear me. I lean my head back hitting the headrest hard. "Did you really have to shout wait?" I ask turning my face to him. He giggles and nods. I roll my eyes and press lightly on the gas pedal.

(End of shits and giggles)

I pull into the Starbucks parking lot and go through the drive-through. We both just got vanilla frappes.

On the way to the beach Craig started humming to a song that was on. I didn't know it, I've heard it on the radio a few times but I never actually listened to it.

"Did you hear?" Craig looks over to me and raising a eyebrow. "What?" He asks as he takes a sip from his drink. "Brock and Brian got together." I reply. "Yes! I knew they would!" He exclaims. I chuckles as I pull into the parking lot in front of the beach. The sun was just peaking from the horizon. We both got out and I locked the car then headed towards the water.

There were little people, most being runners or just people watching the sunrise like we were.

"It's honestly the most beautiful thing on earth." Craig suddenly says. I turn to him and cock an eye. "What is?" I take a sip from drink and turn to him. We were standing in front of the water, my thumb in the front pocket of my jeans well Craig has his stuffed in his hoodie pocket. "The sunrise. I find it to be the most beautiful thing on earth." He never takes his eyes off the sunrise. I smile and take a step closer to him. "Well I find you to be the most beautiful thing on this planet." He looks at me and blushes like crazy. I chuckle and look back to the sunrise.

"Tyler and Craig?" A voice says making us both look behind us to see Evan and Jonathan. "What a pleasant surprise!" I exclaim making Craig giggle. Craig walks over to Jonathan and hugs him. I just nod at Evan and take a sip from my drink. He nods back as Craig and Jonathan pull away from each other. "What brings you two here?" Craig asks, looking between the two. "Watching the sunrise, Jonathan loves too." Evan explains. "Him and Craig are on the same boat." I say. Evan and I chuckle at our boyfriends as we started walking together along the side of the ocean.

Craig and I wave goodbye to Jonathan and Evan as we get into my car. I start it and pull out of the parking spot.

"Hey Ty??" "Hmm?" I reply as I walk into Craig's house. The sunlight piercing through the windows. "What do you want for breakfast?" I think about it for a second before going over to him. "PUNCAKES!" I shout causing him to jump back and place his hand on his chest. "You didn't need to yell." He says giving me a glare. "Well that's what you get for yelling in the car." He giggles and walks into the kitchen and starts making pancakes. I tried to help but he wouldn't let me so I just sat in the stool in front of the counter and watched him.

"Ty can you go to my speaker over there and turn it on?" Craig asks. He was facing away from me as he was cooking. "Mmhmm." I reply as I get up and walk over to the speaker. I turn it on then go back over to the stool. Craig was now on his phone, most likely searching for a song. (Play song)

Craig sets his phone on the counter in front of me and goes back to cooking. I chuckle and watch him as he starts moving his hips slightly. I bite my bottom lip as I get up and walk over to him, placing my hands on his hips. He jumps slightly but relaxes when he sees it's only me. He starts moving his hips into mine as he continues to cook. I hum and move mine with his. He giggles and turns around to face me, I grin down at him as he wraps his arms around my neck. We were now in the middle of the kitchen dancing with each other and laughing. Once the song came to an end breakfast was ready.

I helped him set the table then we ate.

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