C h a p t e r 33

68 12 2

Craig's POV

Our plan was for me to knock on the door and have my parents come and see me, I would tell them Tyler couldn't make it then a few minutes later Tyler would knock on the door and I would answer it.

I got out of the car but before closing the door I kissed Tyler one more time then shut it. I walk up to the front door of my parents house, taking a deep breath as I take one last glance behind me to the car where Tyler was. I look back towards the door before bringing my hand up to it and knocking. The door opened a few seconds later revealing my mother, she gasps as she sees me and pulls me in for a tight hug. "Craig!!! Honey I missed you so much!" She shouts in happiness as I hug her back just as tightly. I pull away from her as she looks around, probably for Tyler. "Where's Tyler?" She asks as she looks back to me. "He couldn't make it." I reply, pretending to look sad. "Don't worry! Your Father and I are more then happy for you to be here! Now come in it's suppose to start snowing soon!" She pulls me inside causing me to laugh.

"Son!" My father says happily as he pulls me in for a hug. I chuckle as I hug back. "I thought Tyler was coming?" He asks cocking an eyebrow at me. "He couldn't make it." I reply. "We're happy to have you here son." He places his hand on my shoulder. Then the door bell goes off. "I'll get it!" I shout loud enough for Tyler to hear it from outside the house. "Alright." My mother replied as they sat on the couch, facing away from the entrance. I smile as I walk over to the door and open it to reveal Tyler. "Took ya long enough." I mutter as he walks in, taking his shoes off. "Sorry, I didn't know when would be a good time!" He whisper/yelled at me. "Whatever just be quiet and follow me." I say as I grab his hand. "Okay Thompson." I roll my eyes playfully as I drag him to where my parents sat.

We stop right in front of the back of the couch, my parents wouldn't be able to see us until they turned around. "Who was there Craig?" My mother asks as she turns around, her eyes going wide as she covers her mouth with her hand and gasps. Tyler smiles shyly as he waves at her. "T-Tyler?" She stutters, her eyes becoming glossy. My father whips his head in our direction as his eyes also go wide. "Hello Mrs and Mr Thompson." Tyler greets before my mom pretty much throws herself at Tyler. Tyler catches her thankfully causing me to chuckle. My mom pulls away well whipping at her eyes. "Boy is it really you?" My dad asks as he sets the paper he was reading to the side and stands up. "Yup." Tyler says as my dad hugs him. "You've grown so much!" My mother laughs lightly as she looks to Tyler and I.

"There's like 5-6 inches between you two." My mother says as she smiles at us. Tyler swings his arm around my shoulder pulling me towards him. I giggle softly as I lean into him. "Oh my I totally forgot you two were dating." She speaks as she smiles more. "I always knew there was something going on between you two." My father says.

Tyler went back outside to the car to grab our suitcases as I went downstairs to where my room was from when I was a kid. I pause at the entrance of the room as I look around. The walls were a bright orange along with my bed, there was a desk beside the big ass window I had. I took a deep breath as I heard footsteps from behind me. I don't bother looking to see who it was since I already knew. "Brings back a lot of memories doesn't it?" He asks as he places a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, it sure does." I reply as I move to the side so he could place the suitcases in my bedroom. I walk in behind him and sit on the edge of the bed, falling backwards and signing loudly.

"Remember the first sleepover we had here?" Tyler asks as he sits on the bed beside me. "Of course I do, that was one of the best nights of my life." I giggle as Tyler lays down beside me.

"You're mom brought us to the fair that day." Tyler said as he buried his face into my neck. "I know, hey I got a question." I say peaking Tyler's attention as he lifts his head from my neck to look at me. "What's that?" He asks as he rubs small circles on my hip. "What do you think you would be doing right now if we never bumped into each other at Starbucks?" I ask turning my head to the side to look at him as I played with his hair. "Probably playing video games with the guys or sleeping. What about you?" He asks. "Probably the same, expect I would be lonely." "Awwww I'm sorry I left ya hangin." Tyler says as he pulls me closer to him. I chuckle as I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"Hey boys I got- oh my I'm sorry!" My mother says as she walks in. Tyler and I chuckle but stay where we were. "We're just huggin nothing going on." Tyler says as he smiles up at me from my chest. "You guys haven't changed a bit." She says as she leans against the doorframe well crossing her arms. "You saying we cuddled like this in high school?" I ask as she comes and sits on the edge of the bed. "When you two were really little, anytime Tyler would come over you guys would cuddle on the cuddle for hours. You guys didn't know what it was, you just loved showing affection for the other." Tyler and I looked at each other before laughing. "No wonder I'm getting deja vu." I giggle as Tyler chuckles.

"Have you talked to my mother recently?" Tyler asks catching the attention of my mother. "Yes actually, I talked to her just a few days ago." She replies.

"Mind if I take a nap?" Tyler asks looking between us. "Of course not, we know how grumpy you get when you don't get enough sleep." She says causing me to laugh. "You getting up or staying?" Tyler asks as he looks at me. "I'll stay, I might take a nap too." I say. "I'll leave you two alone to sleep, I'll wake you when dinner is ready." She says as she closes the door leaving Tyler and I alone.

Tyler looks up at me and kisses me, I immediately kiss back as I pull his head up more. I could feel him smirk into the kiss as he got on top of me, both of his hands on either side of my head as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I pull away from the kiss causing Tyler to whine. I giggle softly as he rests his head against mine. "Let's take a nap, we both need it." I say. "Okay, but I'm staying right here." I giggle at his actions but make no effort to move him, mostly because I didn't want him to move. "Fine by me." I say as I move around slightly trying to get more comfortable then falling asleep with Tyler in my arms.

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