Chapter 2

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Betty woke up to a blaring alarm causing her to move her hand frantically on her dressing table trying to turn the alarm off, eventually she managed to after many attempts. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and let out a small yawn. She needed to get dressed so she found some baggy clothes in her closet and slipped them on the reason she wore baggy clothes was to cover how frail she looked from her family and friends. Then she sat at her dresser looked in the mirror ,stared at herself intently and sighed, then she put her make up on that was now darker than her skin tone as she had become pale and sick. She finished applying the make up, then she just stared at herself silently judging her every flaw. She then ran her index finger along her cuts on her arms, some old from weeks ago, some new from just the day before.'Betty breakfast!' Her mother called out breaking her trance like state, she let out another sigh, put on her freshest, fakest smile and then headed to the kitchen.
Once she got to the kitchen she sat down at the dining table and fiddled with her food not wanting to eat anything and spoil her supposedly perfect body."Betty you have to eat." Alice pleaded hoping her daughter might try some food
"I'm not hungry." Betty answered coldly.
"Fine please just eat a sandwich for lunch?'
"Yes mom I will." She lied and rolled her eyes.
Betty looked down at her food, took a deep breath and grabbed her lunch which was on the side of the kitchen island. With her lunch in her hand she went over to the bin and poured the contents into it.She then smiled and walked over to her boyfriend, Archies, house, she knocked on the wood of the door seconds later to be greeted by a smiley Archie.'Hey babe." He said cheery as always.'Hey Arch." She greeted he looked her up and down and gave a concerned expression.'Have you gained weight?' He asked that broke Betty she had been working so hard to look good for him, She hadn't gained weight she was dangerously underweight but she didn't think that,that's not what she her eyes. To Betty she interpreted this to say she hasn't been trying hard enough to be thin for everyone for him.
"Answer me then have you? You look like you have." He asks again carelessly throwing his words around, she just shrugged and they continued to walk.
Lunch time
The bell rang for lunch but of course that didn't mean anything to Betty except standing there while Archie bullied kids. That day what Archie was saying to this sweet innocent girl hit Betty harder than usual. "You're just a worthless fat bitch!' He screamed at the red headed girl. Betty just stood there it almost felt like he was saying these harmful words to her causing her blood to boil and anger to builds up inside her." Archi get away from her!" Betty quietly shouted he let go of her and walked off. Betty sighed and looked at the scared girl. "Hi sorry about my boyfriend dont listen to anything he says he's uh...uh he's not the nicest." She apologised even though she did nothing wrong. "Thank you I'm Ethel by the way." She said quietly Betty smiled and gave her a hug she knows how it feels to get called fat."My name is Betty, come eat lunch with me." Betty said although she knew very well that she wouldn't be eating lunch as she threw it in the trash this morning."Hey can I invite Jughead as well?"She asked Betty just nodded she didn't know who he was but she was intrigued by his name.

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