Chapter 12

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Betty's PoV
I woke up and felt very comfortable I realised I was with Jughead I smiled to myself and played with his hair as he slept. I checked the time and it was 7:00 and school started in an hour.
B-Jug wake up.
J-5 more minutes.
He whined I kissed him and he kissed back and sat up causing me to be straddling him.
B-Baby we have to get up.
I moaned tugging on his shirt he groaned and nodded. He grabbed my hips and lifted me off  his lap and got out of bed I started to leave the room to get changed.
J-My shirt?
He said,I turned around.
I said and ran out the room after I heard him chuckle. Then I got changed into a skirt and a pastel blue sweater, when I realised I didn't have the necklace Jug gave me.
J-Yes baby?
He said coming into my room and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind kissing my neck slightly I giggled at the feeling.
B-Awfully touchy today aren't we?
J-Sorry if I want to touch my beautiful girlfriend.
I blushed, turned around and kissed him.
B-Have you got my necklace the one I...?
He said he reached in his back pocket and told me to turn around, I did as I was told and he put the necklace on me then kissed my neck.
B-Stop it your going to leave a hickey.
I told him, he sniggered and continued to suck on my neck.
B-Jug I mean it.
I moaned he backed away and I looked in the mirror and there was a bright red spot on my neck.
B-Jug seriously?!
J-You didn't sound like you wanted me to stop so I didn't.
He said I got some foundation and just covered my neck with it and let my hair down to help cover it too.
B-Right let's go.
J-What about breakfast?
B-You decided to suck on my neck for breakfast so you've already had some!
I shouted a little to loudly because I heated my mother gasped from downstairs.
A-Forsyth, Elizabeth get down here now!
We both laughed at our full names and came downstairs slowly.
A-I said now!
We ran to the kitchen where she was chopping some tomatoes and making a salad for lunch.
J-Good morning Alice.
B-Morning mom.
She squinted her eyes at us and looked us up and down.
A-We'll talk about this later. Now go to school both of you.
She said sternly we ran out of the house and got into the truck.

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