Chapter 5

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Betty's PoV
I was crying into Jughead's shoulder it was nice to have have someone to support I felt warm a feeling I've never had when Archie was around. Archie never comforted me like Jughead was.
B-Thank you Jughead I'm gonna go
home now.
I said timidly.
J-I'm walking you home and you're not saying no.
I nodded and he walked me home we just talked a bit about our feelings.
B-Hey I'm having my birthday party on Saturday if you wanna come?
I asked and smiled.
J-Yeah sure. You know it feels like we've known each other for ages.
B-Yeah it does it's weird but I like it.
I smiled and he chuckled.
B-This is me I've got to go.
I said and I hugged him.
B-Thank you
I said and walked into my house I ran upstairs and fell onto the bed. I didn't cut myself or cry there was no voices just Jughead's voice in my head his laugh him supporting me it made me feel...happy.
Today was the day of my party it was gonna be pretty small me, Jug, Ethel, My cousin Cheryl and her girlfriend Toni. I put on my dress and curled my hair.

I looked in the mirror and looked at my wrists my scars were healing I hadn't cut myself for the whole week I felt really proud and I've even eaten more

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I looked in the mirror and looked at my wrists my scars were healing I hadn't cut myself for the whole week I felt really proud and I've even eaten more. Then the doorbell rang and I walked downstairs slowly took a deep breath and opened the door and it was Jughead.
B-Hey Juggie.
I said I didn't mean to buy it just came out we've become a lot closer this week and he knows more about me than literally anyone in the world.
J-Hey Betts! Happy birthday.
He said with the biggest smile on his face.
J-You look beautiful.
He said I hugged him and he gave me a gift it was a little box wrapped in blue and gold wrapping paper.
B-Come sit down Ethel and my cousin with her girlfriend will be here soon.
I said excitedly. He nodded and we sat down.
J-So how are you doing right now with everything?
He asked I smiled.
B-I've been eating a bit more and I've stopped cutting myself.
He smiled and turned over my hands to reveal my wrists and kissed the scars on them.
B-Thank you Juggie.
J-I'm proud of you.
Archie never did that for me he just broke me more. We had this weird moment where we were looking into each other's eyes I wanted to kiss him but then the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw my cousin with Toni I gave them both a hug.
C+T-Happy birthday Betty!
B-Thanks guys. You can just sit on the couch with me and Jughead we're just waiting for Ethel.
C-Not much of a party.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
B-Yes Cheryl I know but I got loads of popcorn so we can eat and I was thinking we could watch a movie.
J-Oh god Betts you're not gonna make me watch one of those sappy romance movies again are you?
B-Maybe. We went to the drive in last week and I forced him to watch After.
T-Oh I love that movie!
J-Nah ah not again never again!
B-You said you like it.
J-Well it wasn't the movie I liked it was talking to you.
He said I felt the blood rush to me cheeks and I blushed and but my lip. I sat down next to him and we sat in silence for a couple minutes.
C-So are you two dating?
J-No we're just close.
B-Yeah just close.
I repeated after him then the doorbell rang I assumed it was Ethel so I opened the door I was correct. We all sat down on the multiple couches and watched some movies soon everyone went home except Jug until he got a phone call.
J-Give me a minute Betts.
I nodded he got up and came back within 5 minutes.
B-What's up?
J-My dad said I can't come home tonight cause he's sleeping with some slut!
B-Oh you can stay here I guess if you wanna?
J-Yeah of course thank you.
He said I smiled.
B-Come sit next to me and we can watch another movie.
J-Okay but I'm not watching any dopey teen romance movies.
B-Come one you know you live them.
J-Only for you.
He chuckled I grabbed his hand and we sat down snuggled up watched the movie, then we fell asleep in each other's arms...whoops!

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