Chapter 17

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Jugheads PoV

I woke up with Betty on my bare chest we were cuddling together, naked, and it made me happy. The night before was amazing and I just couldn't wait to start my life with her, all I did was just stare at her because she was so beautiful, I didn't care about her scars in fact the night before I kissed every one of them to reassure her that she is spectacular no matter what.

B: Good morning my love.

When she said that it made my heart flutter thinking about me being her love.

J: Morning baby I love you.

 B: I love you too.

She said, I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we were in love, that myself the damaged loner serpent had fallen for her. But then again I was a serpent and that could be a deal breaker for her.

J: We gotta go to school.

I said she nodded we put our clothes on and got ready. Once we got downstairs we were surprised to see my dad and Alice looking mad.

J: Hello?

A: Hello Jughead.

J: Dad what are you doing here?

A: We need you to move back home because of what happened last night, I'm not deaf.

Me and Betty just chuckled awkwardly but I still had to move home.

J: Fine as long as you have changed.

I said pointing at my dad he nodded and gave his long winded apology that weirdly seemed real. I finally agreed to moving back with my dad as long as he agreed to not go back to his old ways. Soon me and Betty headed off to school to be greeted with something that would change everything.

Sorry guys, galls and non-binary palls its very short. <3 <3 <3

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