Chapter 19

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Jugheads PoV
I felt absolutely shattered Betty had just broke up with me and not only that told me she didn't love me. I hated her but loved her so much. After I took the necklace we headed back to school, everyone knew we broke up it was obvious there were many whisperings throughout the hall but soon it died down.
Eventually lunch came around and I sat down next Ethel while Betty and her new friends whispered about me yet she looked broken but I knew she wasn't she faked it all.
E-Hey Jug.
J-Hey Ethel.
I had an idea that would make Betty sad and jealous she said she loved this necklace so I knew it would hurt her if I gave it to someone else so I did I gave it to Ethel and made a huge deal over it. Betty looked our way and looked so hurt and that hurt me even more and I instantly regretted it.
Soon enough it was the end of the day me and Betty had to drive home in the car in awkward silence as soon as we got home we started to go upstairs.
A-No funny business you two.
J-Don't worry Miss Cooper that won't be happening ever again you see we broke up.
I said and she just stood there in shock me and Betty went upstairs I went to my room and she went to hers. I packed all of my stuff and realised I needed to get one of my shirts I left in Betty's room. I slowly turned the doorknob to see her crying into the shirt.
B-I'm so sorry Juggie I really am.
She said I rolled my eyes she clearly wasn't.
J-Can you not cry into my shirt it's gross and I have to wear it.
I said she kept her head down and threw it at me I feel bad I really do why did I have to do what I did? Why couldn't I have just told her?

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