Chapter 4

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Jughead's PoV
I was walking across the bridge by Sweet water river because you dad was off drinking again. When I came across a figure standing in the edge of the bridge about to jump I slowly venture towards the figure. I realise it's the beautiful blonde I had the pleasure of meeting at lunch.
J-Betty get down.
B-J-Jughead I can't I'm worthless.
J-No your not just get down please.
B-I-I can't!
J-Fine I'll jump with you.
I said and got stood in the ledge with her I held out my hand for her to take and she took it she was sweating and shaking. Then I pulled her down onto the bridge so she couldn't do it.
B-Why? Why would you do that?
J-Because you can't kill your self people in this world care about you Betty so many people. Do you believe me?
She nodded and I hugged her tight and kissed her head she cried into my shoulder causing my shirt to become damp.
J-Betty you have to talk to someone Archie or your parents.
B-Archie broke up with me cause he saw my cuts.
J-Oh I'm so sorry no one should be treated like that especially not by there boyfriend, It's okay Betty.
I said I felt terrible for her she didn't deserve that no one did.
J-Betty you need to see someone to help you, I have a therapist that you can go to see if you want.
She nodded and continued crying I slipped the therapists card in her back pocket and just held her tight.

𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 {Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now