Chapter 22

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Betty's PoV
I felt really terrible I shouldn't have done what I did and I hated myself for it. I had told everyone by that time about what Jughead did I don't know why. It was because I was mean and that's what everyone expected of me so I was. Soon the school day had finished and I turned on my phone to see 10 missed calls from an unknown number. I got the call once more and I answered it.
?-Hello this is Riverdale general hospital.
B-Oh god what is it?!
?-Forsyth goes by Jughead Jones just attempted suicide we need someone here and your his emergency contact.
My heart dropped the man I loved had just killed himself all because of me.
B-I'll be there soon.
I cried, I ran to the blue and gold and read the letter after I assembled all of the pieces it read. There was also a golden necklace that had the word "bubba" written on it:
"Hey bubba,
It's been a while I know we haven't talked much and you don't like me very much but I was hoping we could be friends again and grab a burger.
From Jug. :)"
I wailed out a long cry this was all my fault I loved him so much and now he could be gone. I hated myself so much. I took the necklace and put it o and headed to the hospital.

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