Chapter 8

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Jughead's PoV
We got into the school and immediately the mood changed, Betty tensed up and gripped on to my arm tighter. At first I was confused then I looked down the elongated corridor and saw Veronica and Archie...kissing. I looked down at Betty she was looking upset so I took her into the science classroom and sat her down.
J-What's up?
B-The ceiling.
She pointed up and chuckled through her tears. I put my hand on her knee to support her.
B-I miss him Jug.
She misses him? I thought to myself. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest. Was I a rebound? I thought again maybe I was jumping to conclusions maybe I wasn't. But that wasn't the main problem right now she needed my support. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head. I still felt warm when I'm with her a feeling I've never felt with any other girl but there's still that pit at the bottom of my stomach though. It was telling me she didn't like me and that I was a fall back.
J-Betts it's okay.
B-No it's not I miss him I'm sorry.
J-Hey it's fine. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this but maybe we should postpone our date.
She raised and eyebrow.
B-What? Why?
J-Because don't take this the wrong way but I don't want to be your rebound.
She cupped my face with her hands and smiled at me.
B-You're not a rebound Jug.
I backed away from her hands and sympathetically smiled at her as I looked into her eyes.
J-It's okay Betty you're a good friend and maybe for a couple months we can stay like that.
I said brushing a strand of fallen hair behind her ear I then kissed her temple.
She said and grabbed the collar on my gene jacket and pulled me in. She crashed my lips with hers I brought my hand up and caressed her cheek stroking her jawline with my thumb. My other arm snaked around her waist as her arms wrapped around my neck, as she opens her mouth for air and I slide my tongue into her mouth as she does the same. She stands up from the table closing the gap between us as soon as we parted I felt relieved. We rested our foreheads together as I held both of her hands in my own.
B-You mean the world to me you will never be my rebound Juggy. Do you believe me?
I just nodded and booped her nose then hugged her. We walked outside the classroom as she climbed onto my arm we went into the blue and gold because that's where I spend my free periods. Then Archie stormed into the room.
A-Betty Cooper.

𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 {Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now