Chapter 28

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Betty's PoV
As soon as Jughead rejected me I went home I wrote in my diary about my day and my emotions. He told me he didn't love me and that's what hurt the most. I needed to cut I had to so I went to my bathroom but before I could my mom walked in when I had the blade against my arm.
She whispered and took me into her arms and kissed my head. My mom was the best she was always supportive and called me beautiful even if I didn't believe her. She still is supportive to this day.
B-I'm so sorry mommy.

(A/N Just gonna pop in here and say that calling her mum, mommy at a time like this is normal because she feels vulnerable. I don't know what it is but I feel it is appropriate. Sorry if you don't like it. Xx)

She stroked my hair.
A-Baby it's okay, I love you. You're okay but we're gonna have to talk about what's going on with you okay?
I nodded and kept crying into her.
B-I love you too mommy.
She said. We ended up crying and hugging together for a while before she took me downstairs and sat me down at the dining table.
A-Betty listen...
She said holding my hand.
A-I know you're suffering and hurting but you need to stop doing that okay. So I'm going to take everything sharp from everywhere in the house and put it away okay?
She asked, I felt like a baby but she was trying to help me. I nodded and she smiled at me.
A-I also know about you not eating Betty.
B-What how do you know that?!
I said waving my hands.
A-Jughead told me that you might hurt yourself today and to also make sure you eat.
I was confused, he just broke my heart and he probably hates me considering he said he didn't love me.
B-Why would he do that?
A-Because believe it or not he loves you Betty.
B-He told me he didn't because of what happened.
I had already told my mom about the incident and she said she was extremely disappointed but understood that he hurt me.
A-He was protecting himself from getting hurt again Betty all in good time.
She said I smiled and she passed me over a plate of pasta bolognese I didn't want to eat or more like I couldn't because I thought I would get fat.
A-Go on eat up.
I smiled and started eating it felt really nice to have food but I planned to purge later anyway so I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.
B-I'm gonna go to the toilet.
I said after dinner she pulled me back.
A-Oh no you don't! I'm not stupid Betty Jughead also told me about the purging.
B-Mom I actually gotta go.
I lied.
A-Okay then I'll stand outside the door.
B-Okay no I don't.
I sighed in defeat.
A-I'm booking you into see miss Burble.
B-Mom why? Please no.
A-Betty it's what's best.
She said quietly, I nodded hoping this was going to work but I didn't need a therapist I needed Jughead.

💕Hey guys please vote and comment if you want you don't have to but if you don't you will die. Joking 😂😂❤️🍠

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