Chapter 15

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Jughead's PoV
*2 Months later*
Betty and I had been doing amazing, I had fallen in love with and was going to tell her after our date but I was still a serpent and she still didn't know.
We got out of bed that we shared because she couldn't sleep without me which I found adorable.
J-Morning baby.
I said she was lying on my chest facing me.
B-I'm excited for our date tonight.
She said as she ran her fingers up me chest and I giggled, then she started tracing circles on there.
J-That tickles.
She let out an adorable giggle.
J-You have and adorable giggle.
I said and brushed some hair behind her ear.
J-You're beautiful.
Her face went red and I chuckled. We got up eventually and got ready we drove to the school and went our separate ways to class. It was eventually lunch and me and Betty just went to the blue and gold.
She said as she was typing away at her desk. She had her glasses resting on the bottom of her nose. She only wears her glasses around me and it makes me feel special.
J-Hey Betts you good?
B-Yeah tired but excited for the date tonight.
J-Good what are you writing?
B-About the gangs on the south side.
As soon as she said that I tensed up. She walked over to me and kissed me.
B-What's wrong?
I said she nodded and kissed me again I put my hands down to her waist and lifted her chin up with my thumb as I kissed her neck.
She moaned I found her sweet spot that had her moaning my name over and over again which was a huge turn on not gonna lie before anything happened the bell rang, we both sighed and went our separate ways.
Soon it was the end of the day and we drove home to get ready for our date.

𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 {Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now