Chapter 18

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Bettys PoV

We walked into school hand in hand and as soon as I saw, what I saw I let go of his hand and looked at everything. There was pictures of Jughead in a serpent jacket near a bar that was labeled the Whyte Wyrm in green neon letters. He was a serpent and he did not even tell me I was crushed I trusted and loved him. I shot him and angry glare and ran out of the school all the way to the bridge me and Jughead had our first heart to heart. Jughead appeared minutes later and started apologising non-stop I didn't trust him anymore no matter how much he apologised.
B-No Jughead you betrayed my trust. We are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend.
J-Betty please I beg of you I need you and I love you!
He looked shocked that I had raised my voice so high.
J-Betty I'm sorry and I love you.
He whispered.
B-We'll I don't!
I shouted he looked so heartbroken.I didn't trust him but I did love him I mixed them up and I felt terrible.
I should have told the truth and told him I did in fact love him but I just nodded. He put his hand on his heart and his tears were streaming down his face.
He whispered breathlessly.
J-I...I can't believe I actually thought you would ever love me of course you wouldn't. Who would love me?
It hurt to hear him say that but there was nothing I could do now I just nodded. Suddenly his sadness turned into anger.
J-I want it back!
He said at first I was confused but then I looked down to my hickey covered neck to see the necklace he gave me I couldn't help but she'd a tear.
I whispered.
B-I love this necklace.
J-What like you loved me,or pretended to love me to get me into bed? Give it to me Betty.
I shook my head I didn't want to it was my safety and my comfort when Jug wasn't there and now he was never going to be there.
B-Juggie please!
J-Don't call me that.
I didn't even have to give it to him it was mine but I did anyway and placed it in his hand.

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