Chapter 9

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Betty's PoV
A-Betty Cooper.
Archie stormed in and said he didn't seem to angry though he seemed sentimental in a way it kind of made me feel happy I do miss him.
A-Can I speak to you alone for a minute?
B-Yeah sure, Jug do you mind?
J-No, I'll see you later Betty.
He said and left the room he seemed kind of worried.
B-What do you want?
I said in a happy tone.
A-Listen I'm sorry for everything I did to you I just...I'm going through a hard time right now sorry.
I hugged him and he kissed my head.
B-It's okay Arch.
He pulled away and looked down at me he pulled me in for a kiss, I should've pulled away but his lips felt so familiar it was my initial reaction to kiss back and I hate that. When we pulled away I realised what I had done, I could be with Jughead a guy who appreciates me.
B-Archie no! I don't want to be with you anymore.
A-Why? I love you Betty.
B-No you don't and I don't love you. Go back to kissing Veronica.
A-Fine! You ugly fat bitch!
I know it shouldn't have but those words hit me, hit me bad. I just ran out of there and into the bathroom and cried in a stall. After a while I had class so I splashed my face with some water and went back to class I sat next to Jughead but he moved, Why? I just sat down next to him again he tried to move but all the seats were gone I touched his arm.
B-What's up?
J-You kissed Archie! That's what's up.
He saw that?
B-I'm sorry okay it was my initial reaction I was used to it but I told him it wasn't happening right after.
J-I dont care it's not even like we're in a relationship. Just don't talk to me!
I rolled my eyes and we continued the day as we got to lunch I sat down with Ethel and Jughead it was awkward.
E-What's with the awkward silence?
B-It's nothing someone's just making a mountain out of a molehill.
J-I wouldn't call it that.
B-Well I would just let it go.
I said then the bell rang and we went to all of our lessons then we finally got home.

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