Chapter 6

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Jughead's PoV
I woke up from literally the best sleep ever I didn't quite know why yet...Until I looked down and saw Betty snuggled up to me I smiled and kissed her temple. For some reason, I felt so comfortable and I was certain she felt safe. I slowly and carefully picked up my phone so I could check the time it was 6:00 and there was no school today as it was still Sunday so I decided to fall back asleep. I looked at her arms and the scars on them and gently rubbed my thumb over them before drifting back off to sleep.
B-Juggie wake up.
Betty said groggily as she was still in my arms I slowly opened my eyes I kissed her head causing her face to heat up.
J-Are you blushing?
I asked playfully causing her face to turn redder she hid her face in my chest and shook her head.
J-Yes you are!
I chuckled.
She said dragging out the "o".
B-I'm not doing this I'm tired.
She said looking up at me.
J-So you were? Why?
I asked looking her in the eyes she started to go even redder.
B-Yes because I don't know you're charming in a weird way.
She said and I blushed it was like a canon we were just going back and forth.
B-See you're doing it now I'll make some breakfast.
J-I'll help.
B-Nah ah! I know you're gonna light a fire in my kitchen.
J-Come on, please?
She sighed and nodded while she rolled her eyes.
B-You will be the death of me.
I chuckled and so did I we got into the kitchen and I wanted to make breakfast muffins.
B-Okay we need flour!
She grabbed the flour from the cupboard some of it spilling on the floor. I dipped my finger in it and put it on the top of her nose causing a giggle to escape her mouth.
B-I'm just trying to make muffins.
She chuckled.
B-Can you fill-up the sink with water and bubbles?
J-Yeah okay.
I knew I was going to splash her it was so obvious so I filled the water up with bubbles. We started making the breakfast muffins as we covered each other in ingredients sometimes we would innocently touch each other but I felt something a spark. It gave me goosebumps and made a smile appear on my face we put them in the oven and sat down on the couch eating the batter.
B-Let's talk about you.
J-What? Why?
I was scared about telling her about my dad and what he did and does.She's just got so much stuff already going on I don't want to worry her.
B-Because I want to know about you and your life.
I took a deep breath I want to tell her I just don't want to worry her.
J-Well I live with my dad and I'm he's not the greatest.
B-What happens?
J-He'll come home drunk most days and if I irritate him he'll hurt me.
She looked up at me concerned and hugged me and kissed my forehead.
B-Why didn't you tell me earlier?
J-I didn't want to worry you you've already got so much on your plate.
B-Yeah but I'm getting better because of you and now and I'm gonna help you get better. You just have to trust me okay?
I nodded looking her in the eyes and she held on to me tighter.
B-What did he do?
J-He hits me and punches me a lot but I don't live with him anymore.
B-What do you mean where do you live?
I mumbled knowing very well she can hear me.
B-Jughead you're homeless?
I could feel the heartbreak in her voice as she caressed my cheek gently stroking it with her thumb. I nodded slowly ashamed with myself.
B-You can stay here, please.
J-I don't think...
B-I'm not taking no for an answer.
I rolled my eyes and hugged her.
J-Thank you.
I said then the oven timer beeped.
B-Come on let's take them out of the oven and we can do the dishes as we wait for them to cool.
J-Okay then.
I said she took them out of the oven and the smell came out everywhere it smelt amazing.
J- I want one!
I whined she turned around to look at me and raised an eyebrow.
B-Why are you whining?
She complained I just shrugged and she giggled. Then she kneeled down and got something out of the cupboard.
B-Put these on.
She demanded holding up pink rubber gloves.
J- No way!
B-I guess I'll just have to do this then.
She said putting bubbles on my nose I threw some back and eventually, we were covered in bubbles, flour and batter from head to toe.
B-Oh my goodness how did this happen, my moms gonna kill me.
J-She's not here right now anyway we can clean it up later.
I said wiping my face with a towel as she did the same.
B-You've still got some there.
She said pointing at something on my face, I tried to get it off.
B-No! Just let me get it.
She said and took the towel and looked into my eyes then she stopped cleaning my face and just started into my eyes. We didn't say anything it was just tension I move my face closer to her. I brushed my lips against hers and she kissed me back and put her arms around my neck and I put one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek. We were both tense for a while before we sank into it and relaxed it was filled with love and passion.  We made out for a couple of minutes before we stopped and rested our foreheads together.
B-Thank you.
J-For what?
B-Saving me.
She hugged me and I kissed her head.
J-You're welcome.

𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 {Bughead}Where stories live. Discover now