Chapter 7

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Betty's PoV
It was Monday and I had to get ready for school I felt happy me and Jughead had kissed the day before. Now he lives with me, my mom said he could but he has to sleep in the spare bedroom. It made me feel an overwhelming feeling of happiness when I kissed him it felt like all my worries floated away when I was in his arms. I got dressed and left my hair down as I was in a good mood.

I found a little box on the side of my bed and remembered that it was my present from Jug

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I found a little box on the side of my bed and remembered that it was my present from Jug. I picked it up, pulled the pink ribbon bow and it fell apart then unwrapped the blue wrapping paper. Inside was a little box I opened it and inside was a beautiful necklace.

After I put it on I skipped downstairs with a big smile on my face and sat down on the school at the edge of the kitchen island

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After I put it on I skipped downstairs with a big smile on my face and sat down on the school at the edge of the kitchen island. My mom was cooking something on the stove and then turned towards me and smiled.
A-You look so different Betty. So much happier and that makes me happy. So what changed?
It was a very forward and odd question it made me think. What did change?
B-Um I met him, Jughead. He saved me.
She giggled.
A-I'm happy you met him so is he your boyfriend?
B-I don't know I fell asleep in his arms on Saturday night. Then in the morning, we were covered in flour and baking stuff then I kissed him it meant so much to me but I don't know if it meant much to him.
Then Jug walked in, in his "S" T-shirt, some suspenders and black jeans. I signalled for my mom to leave so I could talk with him she said good morning and left the room.
B-Good morning sleepyhead.
I said and walked over to him and snakes my arms around his torso. I held the heart on the necklace in my hand.
B-Thank you for the necklace it's beautiful.
J-Beautiful necklace for a beautiful lady.
I blushed hard and looked into his eyes and then pecked his lips he smirked at me and we sat down at the dining table. My mom had put out eggs and bacon.
J-Thank you for letting me stay here.
B-No thank you for being here.
He chuckled and smiled.
J-Hey you wanna go out tonight to the drive in movie theatre?
B-Are you asking me on a date?
I teased he smirked and went a bit red.
B-Yes, of course, I'll go with you. Now let's go to school come on.
I stood up, tucked my chair in and held my hand out for him to take it so he did then we walked to school.
J-Right come on let's go see Ethel and that's it we are lonely and have no friends.
B-At least we have each other.
I said with a loving smile on my face as I caressed his cheek he kissed my head.
B-Right come on.
I said we walked into school as I held onto his arm for dear life I was scared of people making comment about me so I just stayed with him.

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